Rabbit Rhythms of February

Your First Litter!

If you bred your buck and doe 28 days ago, today would be the day to put a nestbox into the doe’s cage. If so, you’ll be having your first litter of bunnies...or maybe the first of several litters this year, in just three days (day 31).

Domestic rabbits bear most of their kits from about the start of February to the middle of August in the northern hemisphere. In the wild and with ample food, a doe might give birth every 32-33 days. In a rabbitry, that would be considered an overly rigorous schedule! Rabbit farmers typically re-breed a doe when the kits are 15 days old, or at day 42 after kindling. Each of these schedules have their benefits and drawbacks.

Show rabbit breeders march to the beat of their particular herds and their own desires. Some breed once a year, others nearly as frequently as do commercial production herds.

No matter where you fit in the big scheme, find answers to many breeding and kindling questions at Raising-Rabbits' Breeding Rabbits page.

New Information on Raising-Rabbits

Rabbit feed is a main consideration for a rabbit farmer. Commercial ranchers, show rabbit breeders and pet rabbit owners all want to keep their rabbits in top health and conditioning.

The great news is...

Raising-Rabbits has been testing a newly developed, science-based, all-natural rabbit feed. This brand-new feed would be ideal for both production meat rabbits, show rabbits, and certainly pet and house rabbits.

The preliminary results are very encouraging. Just to let you know - we recently weaned two litters. The does are still in amazing condition, and the kits are all healthy and thriving. We expect our kits to do fine, but to have the does already ready for a next litter...?? We like it!

By this time in a month, your own rabbits could be munching this very same excellent feed. Over the next week to two weeks, we will review our experiences and explain the science behind the pellets. At the same time, we'll be able to offer this new feed to you at a discount off the already-reasonable price of this cutting-edge natural rabbit food. You’ll find a notice on the Raising-Rabbits Home Page when this opportunity goes live. Let us know if you'd also like email notification.

Healthy Rabbits:
Epizootic Rabbit Enteropathy

Epizootic Rabbit Enteropathy (ERE) is a potentially lethal, little understood threat to a rabbit’s health. ERE is severe, highly contagious, and has been cropping up lately throughout many areas of the United States.

The main symptoms are rumbling sounds in a very distended tummy of the stricken rabbit within just one day of exposure. The illness peaks in 4-6 days, and can last about 2 weeks. If the rabbit is going to die, it will likely die between day 3 and day 5. Up to 50% of rabbits with ERE die, including house rabbits. Rabbits begin to recover by day 7, and recovery occurs slowly.

Learn more about Epizootic Rabbit Enteropathy -- your knowledge may someday save your own rabbits.

In the News Recently

First: Four baby rabbits under a ... silky bantam hen??? Yep. The location is New Zealand’s Staglands Wildlife Reserve in Upper Hutt, and the place is a hen house. A feral domestic rabbit hopped right in, deposited her 4 kits in a second-tier chicken nest, and a young, never-hatched-an-egg hen took over babysitting duties.

Poor thing’s gonna be gobsmacked when she lays that first smooth round white thing and it doesn’t start squirming right away. See it for yourself here!

Second, and on a (much) more serious note:
Stansberry and Associates, a very credible financial research team based in Maryland, USA, is publicly warning of an impending financial upheaval in the US within 2 years, due to the massive US debt.

True? Not true? Check it out for yourself. At the very least, we suggest making a few survival preparedness plans. Build another cage. Breed a few more does. Start preserving the meat to add to your survival preparedness stash. Start now. Can’t hurt. Might help. Should life in the good ole USA take a kick to the groin, your own life could get a lot tougher before it gets better.

Picture of the month

Red Tailed Hawk in New York"Red-tailed hawks are colossal!"

This was the report of a visitor to Raising-Rabbits who lost at least one adult colony rabbit to a hawk just like this one. The strike occurred at 10 p.m. at night, no less.

We appreciated the warning!

So, just in case your rabbits are not securely caged, you might like to know that some predator species DO consider your rabbits to be fair game, and, they might not keep 9-5 schedules.

(Picture used by permission - Flickr )

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Your friends at Raising-Rabbits.com wish you a Happy Valentine's Day and profitable rabbit raising!

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