Lilac to Fawn?

by Majestic Dragon Ranch

Hi, around here a lot of people come to me if they want to know what colors they'd get if they breed one rabbit to another. I can answer most, but I've come across one I know nothing about. I don't know if anyone here will know either, but it's the only place I know to go to. If a Mini-rex Lilac is bred to a Mini-rex fawn, what are the possible colors? I don't know what either rabbit is hiding, but without the hidden genes.

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May 06, 2016
I have a lilac fawn
by: Anonymous

They are a beautiful colour they're fawn mostly, but in certain lights she looks blue. Also you can see she's like a bluish light brown with white chest and bottoms of her feet. Stunning rabbit.

May 27, 2011
Re: Lynx to Fawn
by: Majestic Dragon Ranch

I do believe she is a fawn, but didn't get a great picture of her and she is not pedigreed. The buck, It turns out, has a misaligned jaw, so I told him it was not a good idea to breed the pair, seeing as one is non-pedigreed, and one has a disqualification that would be passed on. He is new to rabbits, and I'm trying to help him out. Lilac is a color I know very little about, I know it is the dilute of Chocolate, and that's about it. I have a chocolate buck now, so any info on genetics of the Lilac would be great. I breed tri-colored (not accepted, but helps with Harlequin colors) and Harlequin. I am hoping to get into otters as well, which is why I got the chocolate buck, which carries otter.

The only thing this website is missing is colors and genetics. I recommend this site to all my rabbit breeding friends. It'd be great to get color genetics on here, then it'd be truly a one stop shop!

May 27, 2011
RE Lilac to Fawn
by: Moderator

Great question, which merits a full discussion.

For now, here's the *short* answer, and I did the Punnett squares so we could know the probabilities:

If you breed a lilac to a fawn, and without knowing the unknowns, you'll for sure get roughly 25% opals and 25% fawns. (For the other 50%, you'll have to do the breeding!)

Here's the BIG question: Is that *fawn* a fawn, or is it really a lynx??? They can look truly identical, if the fawn is smutty enough. The belly undercoat will be dove-gray in a lynx, and white in a fawn. Fawns are not a recognized color in mini rex (which is why the identity question), but reds are. Fawns are dilute reds. (I get fawns in my rex offspring...'not recognized' doesn't mean genetically impossible, *g*) If the fawn pedigree has reds on it, you're likely talking fawn. If you see any chocolates and/or lilacs, perhaps the animal is a LYNX. Check the belly....or test-breed.

If you breed lilac to lynx, and without knowing the unknowns, you'll for sure get at least 50% lynx in your litters. The varieties in the rest of the litter depend on those hidden recessives ...and now I'm curious!

HTH, and we'll write up this discussion more fully, soon...

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