Pet Rabbits

Pet Rabbits: Confident Care and Feeding. Here is pet care de-mystified and simplified, so you can keep your pet bunny rabbits healthy and happy for many years.

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Pet Rabbit Care

Teen girl with gray pet rabbit

Rabbits as Pets

This page is a must-read if you're still wondering if you'd make a good rabbit owner. Learn about the nature and habits of rabbits, and see if you'd like to fit a pet rabbit into your life and schedule.

Pet Bunny Care

Nine Valuable Tips covering all the essentials of pet bunny care. How to best take care of your pet bunny rabbit? It's easy! 

The page contains a lot of info; you can scan the headers and find the info you need.

  • A good strong cage, with dimensions suggested by ND State University
  • Give it clean living spaces, plus ideas on disinfection, bedding and cage enhancements
  • Keep the stress level low
  • Rabbit-proof the house
  • Give healthy and fresh foods
  • Don't overfeed, and here's how to know you're feeding enough
  • Don't let the water run dry
  • Ideas for cheap (or free) rabbit toys
  • Do your rabbit chores daily
  • Caring for your rabbits health and grooming


Oskar and Friends Pet Totes

Cool - Fashionable - Fabulous!
High Quality for a Fair Price.
Learn about Oskar and Friends Here!

How to Buy a Bunny

Advance Preparations for Bunny Ownership, tips for understanding a pet bunny's needs ahead of time so you can prepare and then purchase a pet bunny wisely.

Rabbit Care Checklist for New Pet Owners

This pet rabbit care information list makes it easy to get started confidently caring for your new pet bunny.

Baby Rabbits

This is a checklist for weaning rabbits and buying bunnies. This page will also help dispel some myths and misconceptions about when to wean and at what age your baby rabbits are ready to sell (or purchase).

Taking Care of Pet Bunny Rabbits

How to ensure healthy physical surroundings for your pet rabbit. Keep your pet bunny rabbit safe from predators and other dangers.

Fireworks and Pet Rabbits

Bunnies, Bangs, and Booms - protecting your pet rabbits during the LOUD holidays.

Outdoor Rabbits in the Winter

This page will help you keep your outside rabbits well watered and fed, and warm and dry during sub-zero weather. 

Pet Rabbit Chewing

Pet rabbit chewing is a thing! Rabbits chew for the health of their teeth. Learn the dynamics of why, and how to ensure that household items stay off the menu.

Rabbit Chew Sticks

A rabbit’s going to do what a rabbit is going to do, and that is CHEW! Check out our Raising Rabbits Chew Sticks! Fruit-infused twigs from a pristine forested environment that are safe for your rabbits to chew.

Toys for Rabbits

An experienced rabbit owner explains why toys may be good for your rabbits and offers advice on buying or making your own rabbit toys.

Rabbits Need  to Chew - Get Them Chewable Rabbit Toys

How to Trim Rabbit's Claws

Trimming claws is something you can do yourself with the right tools and tips.

Rabbit Feet

This page addresses the relationship between various types of rabbit cages, both solid-floored and wire floored and the ability of rabbit feet to remain healthy and free of sores. 

Rabbit Teeth and Malocclusion

Rabbit teeth never stop growing. If they become misaligned, either from an injury, a genetic defect, or possibly an inadequate diet, they will need frequent attention. 

Obese Rabbits

Obesity can threaten a rabbit's life. Here are many of the factors that contribute to rabbit obesity, how to help an obese rabbit lose weight, and tips for increasing your rabbit's exercise levels.

Oskar and Friends Pet Totes

Whether you are taking your rabbit to the vet, on vacation, or just out shopping, there are things to consider to help your rabbit travel comfortably and stress free. Oskar and Friends have designed a wonderful pet tote in three different designs, so no matter your plans, you'll have an easy way to bring your rabbit with you.

Pamper your rabbit's fluffy feet with chew-safe Resting Mats

Pet Facts and Info

Rabbit Terms

Specific rabbit verbiage used in connection to raising and caring for rabbits, including pet rabbits.

Rabbit Facts

Fascinating facts about rabbit brains, instincts, how they think, fear vs pain. Facts about rabbits that shed light on contentment in rabbits.

More Facts about Rabbits

Does your pet need a rabbit buddy? Eight facts about rabbits which will help you better understand and take care of your pet house or hutch rabbits.

Info on Rabbits

We get a lot of questions about pet bunnies. So we decided to create a FAQ list with answers to your hard or elusive questions about pet and show rabbits.

BunnyVac - A Vaccine against Snuffles

The BunnyVac is licensed in the USA for use in well rabbits to protect against pasteurellosis. Plus, anecdotal reports indicate that in sick rabbits, the BunnyVac has reduced or eliminated symptoms in some rabbits. Learn more about rabbit vaccine immunity here.

Where can I purchase top quality pet rabbit cages?

Hostile Hare Logo

From Raising-Rabbits, of course! 

Raising-Rabbits has partnered with Hostile Hare to bring you cages that exceed our rigorous rabbit housing standards.

We do not produce cages, but we sure know a well-built, predator-proof, baby-safe, bunny-feet-safe cage when we see it! We think Hostile Hare cages will serve you well for years! 

Explore the many choices by clicking the logo or this link

Fun Pet Rabbit Stuff

This very young pet rabbit will remain with its mom for another several weeks.This very young pet rabbit will remain with its mom for another several weeks.

Rabbit Names

Here is an incredibly long list of rabbit names, and clearly we missed some, as some visitors have added their comments to the end of the page. (Thanks!) Maybe you'd like to check out the rabbit names and then let us know how you like to name your rabbits.

Pet Bunny Breeds

Since the word "pet" actually refers to the role you wish the animal to play in your life, it doesn't actually matter much which breed of rabbit you choose as a pet. Nevertheless, some breeds of domestic rabbits are favorites among pet owners. The page will link you to those breeds often chosen as pets, and also to the main Rabbit Breeds pages.

Classroom Pets

Rabbits make terrific classroom pets. Do you teach children in grammar school (K-6)? Then hop over and learn how you can enrich your kids and get some moolah to help pay for the project.

A Cute Cottontail Story

Learn about the unlikely bond between a human and rabbit, formed through a mutual understanding of boundaries, trust and respect.

Pet Bunny Story from the UK

Hilarious and surprising, it's sure to fuel the continuing debate - can rabbits breed through fences?!  What do you think??

Pet Rabbit Living Spaces

Raising-Rabbits is the original home of the hanging rabbit cage and PVC hutch frame combination. They are the cage system that Aurora Rex Rabbit Ranch uses in their barn.

We built them ourselves, and so can you. Ours are large PVC frames that each accommodate 4 large rabbit cages.

If you have a few or even a single pet rabbit, why not consider building a small PVC frame and a small wire cage for your indoor or outdoor pet rabbit?

Pet Rabbit Living Spaces provides all the plans for make-it-yourself hutch frames, runs, pens, and cages that are excellent for pet rabbit owners, for use both outside and inside the home. 

Purchase below, or click on the picture or the title link to learn more. World of Raising Rabbits is where you can find info on all our e-books, including this one.

Pet Rabbit Living Spaces e-book cover

Pet Rabbit Living Spaces

Pet Rabbit Living Spaces is our collection of exclusive and luxurious DIY plans for building your own rabbit cages, hutches, runs, and pens. Included are never-before published plans and designs that will please you and your pet rabbits.

Like the idea of a PVC rabbit frame but don't feel like stooping? One of our indoor rabbit cage plans features legs on this PVC frame so you and your kids can enjoy your rabbit nearly face-to-face.

Pet Rabbit Living SpacesA hands-on, do-it-yourself manual of plans and instructions for creating a variety of rabbit homes and exercise spaces for your pet rabbits, both indoors and outside.

Pet Rabbit Living Spaces is available as an instant-download e-book. It's a big PDF  is full of pictures and illustrations so we could over-deliver on value.

Click the photo or go to Build Your Own Rabbit Cage to learn more!

Rabbit Beddings

House rabbits with litter boxes and rabbits in stacked cages with drop pans will need some kind of bedding or litter. 

Our Rabbit Bedding page explores the options, and links to additional information.

Sherwood Pet Health Rabbit Feeds: the Best Karen Has Found...

Sherwood Rabbit Pellets
--Sherwood Pet Health Pelleted Bunny Feed 10 Pounds
--Sherwood Pet Health Pelleted Adult Rabbit Feed 10 Pounds

(Click the links to learn more about Sherwood Pet Health Rabbit Feeds.)

Pet Rabbit Maelstrom

The animal rights movement has been battering the pet rabbit arena for years, creating turmoil and confusion. What's cruel? What's not cruel? 

The attack on your healthy and humane animal practices is intended to cast doubt on your ability to keep rabbits. Their end game is, eventually, to convince legislators to legislate away your right to keep animals at all. 

We at Raising-Rabbits have borne some of the brunt of the storm for you, and as a result have written several articles on Animal Rights topics. You yourself must be secure and solid in your mind of the critical importance of animals for the survival of humanity, and the value of pets as emotional comfort and enjoyment. 

Broken otter rex pet rabbits

On Rabbits in Cages...

A domestic rabbit, in YOUR cage, has a stress level hovering somewhere near zero, once he becomes familiar with you and your home. If he were out in the wild and left to his devices, he would be terrified for his life, hiding under rocks and burrows, and darting from bush to bush.  It's only a matter of time before a hawk or coyote would end its life violently.


1) Don't feel sorry for caged rabbits. They have it very good. (Remember - they don't think like you do.) Treat your rabbit kindly, fill its needs, give it pieces of wood or other articles they can gnaw on. They will help keep the teeth short and its attention captured. You can feel confident that their fear levels are minimal and they are happy with you for a friend.  

2) It's not kind or wise to release a domestic rabbit into the wild. (It is illegal to release non-native species into the environment.) They haven't a clue how to stay safe, having been raised in a cage and having had every need provided.

That said, in some climates, feral rabbits thrive, breed, become destructive forces in the environment destroying vegetation, and then become vectors and transmitters of disease and parasites to other domestic and native cottontail rabbit populations.

When the local rabbit population rises, so does the predator population. As coyotes and foxes move in, they'll catch whatever doesn't run fast enough -- whether feral rabbits or your favorite Persian or American Curl cat.

Do You Have a Great Story About Your Pet Rabbit?

Is your rabbit entertaining? Fun? Or not? I'll bet lots of other pet rabbit owners would love to hear it!

Write your own page and tell the world about your pet rabbit. You can include up to 4 pictures, too.

What Other Visitors Have Said

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...

Survivor Rabbit 
I have raised rabbits for years, so when the local feed store called me about a bunny caught in someone's yard, I had to go get her. When I got the little …

Death of Pet Bunny 
I recently posted a little note about how my bunny was running around my house making nests in strange places and wondering how this battle for territory …

Female Rabbit? Male Rabbit? Ahhh!! Not rated yet
I have two bunnies, when I got them from the breeder, she said one was a boy, the other a girl. I had not one clue if she was right or wrong. So i just …

Stubborn Rabbit Choosing a Spot Not rated yet
My rabbit keeps going to this certain spot in the house and she won't leave from there. It's behind my bed in the corner. I blocked it off because she …

Pictures of pet rabbit dotty and babies Not rated yet
Hi Haren, here are the pictures I promised I would send of Dotty our French Lop and her babies. Thanks. Brigid Dotty's Story (posted a few days later): …

Click here to write your own.

Double-Value Guarantee

Our policy is to always OVER-deliver on value,
which is why your purchase is fully covered by our
Double-Value Guarantee.

Go ahead - take any of our e-books for a test drive. Peruse our detailed informational and educational e-books. Examine our plans for building rabbit cages, runs, or metal or PVC hutch frames. Check out the Rabbit Husbandry info e-books.

If you aren't completely satisfied that your e-book purchase is worth at least double, triple or even quadruple the price you paid, just drop us a note within 45 days, and we'll refund you the entire cost. That's our Double-Value Guarantee.

Note: When you purchase your e-books, they will be in PDF format, so you can download them to any device that supports PDF format. We advise making a back-up copy to a drive or cloud account. If the books are lost, you can also purchase another copy from Raising-Rabbits.

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