Breeding Rabbits

Breeding Rabbits.
Breeding domestic rabbits runs the gamut from mating the buck and doe, to giving birth and raising the bunnies, to weaning the bunnies. There are many stages of reproductive and maternal care, and even more details about taking care of the baby bunnies. 

This page links to all of our web pages that cover different aspects of breeding, including care of does and kits. We will also show you how to easily tell which bunnies are boys and which are girls.

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We filled the Raising-Rabbit website pages with as much detail as was reasonably possible. 

You'll find links to all these pages below.

We also compiled extensive information on the subject of breeding rabbits, from mating to weaning and more, doubled the number of photos and details, and put it all into our 108-page e-book titled Rabbit Reproduction. This e-book provides much more than our website pages can contain. 

This e-book is in PDF form, easily readable and printable through any free PDF reading software such as Adobe Reader. Your purchase provides you with an immediate download link so you can receive your copy of Rabbit Reproduction without delay. It will ALL be conveniently at your fingertips when you need it.

Rabbit Reproduction, 2nd Edition

Rabbit Reproduction E-Book

YES! I need to know more about rabbit reproduction...
And, I need a resource at my fingertips, available when I need it!

This e-book is entirely focused on reproducing rabbits, from mating and kindling, to the entire season of a young kit's life from conception to teenage-hood and beyond. 

-- Click here for all the details about Rabbit Reproduction!
-- Follow this link to purchase Rabbit Reproduction E-Book!

Your purchase is 100% Risk Free. See our Double-Value Guarantee below.

Here are our Web Pages on Breeding Rabbits and Various Stages of Rabbit Reproduction

  • Rabbit Mating: To mate rabbits, take the doe to the buck. Important: if you take the buck to the doe, the fur will fly, as does are very territorial. If she's not 'in the mood,' she'll wreak havoc on the buck.
  • After the rabbit breeding, the gestation period for a female rabbit (doe) is 31 days.  The doe can kindle (give birth) between day 28 and day 35, however 99% of the time she’ll be punctual - between day 31 and day 32.
  • Pregnant Rabbit: Is the doe really pregnant? Here are some signs to watch for in a pregnant rabbit.
  • Rabbit Pregnancy: More info on rabbit pregnancies - get practice interpreting confusing rabbit pregnancy signs in one breeder's three Californian does.
  • Rabbit Nest Box: How to prepare the rabbit nesting box and when to place it in the doe's cage. Nest boxes are essential for breeding rabbits. We prefer metal nest boxes, but, some wood nesting boxes will serve very well. 
  • Fetus Images: Just so you know, a rabbit pregnancy occasionally doesn't go exactly as planned. (Advisory: these are photos of actual fetuses. Some may find these images disturbing. These images are provided to help educate rabbit caretakers. All rabbits in the images were treated with dignity, respect, and gentleness.)
  • Pregnant Rabbit Behavior: Click here for a true story about a pregnant rabbit that nearly fooled us....

Rabbit Raising Problem Solver book cover.

Raising-Rabbits: Home of
The Rabbit Raising Problem Solver

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Quick Question: Are your rabbits in good condition and capable of reproducing? Obese rabbits have difficulty reproducing. Obese rabbit bucks are less fertile, and if the obese rabbit doe does manage to conceive, she will be at additional risk for complications. Check the Obese Rabbit page for more information.

Excellent Nutrition for Both Does and Growing Kits

Excellent Nutrition for Both Does and Growing Kits

Pregnant and lactating does need optimal nutrition for the sake of their newborns, and so do the growing kits as they are weaned to solid feeds. The following links take you to the best pelleted rabbit feed that Karen has found...

--Sherwood Pet Health Pelleted Bunny Feed 10 Pounds
--Sherwood Pet Health Pelleted Adult Rabbit Feed 10 Pounds

(Click the above links to view these Sherwood Pet Health Rabbit Feeds on Amazon, and to research additional feed choices.)

  • Rabbits Giving Birth: The glorious moment usually occurs in the middle of the night, though this is not a hard-and-fast rule. Learn what you can do to support the recently kindled doe and her kits.
  • Warming Chilled Kits: We hope you never discover a kit on the cage wire with the body temperature of a popcycle. But if you do, there might still be hope, unless the kit is frozen solid. Here are some great tips and directions.
  • Taking Care of Baby Rabbits immediately after kindling, and especially if the doe needs a helping hand during or shortly after kindling. Keep an eye out for little kits dropped accidentally outside the nest box.
  • Care of Baby Rabbits - during the first two weeks of life or so. This mostly consists of supporting the doe so she can take excellent care of her kits.
  • Raising Baby Rabbits - from about 2 weeks of age to weaning. What a fun stage! Baby kits are soo cute at age 3 weeks, and their antics are so cute!!

Rabbit Reproduction, 2nd Edition

Rabbit Reproduction E-Book

As easily as rabbits seem to multiply, a surprising number of glitches can arise and cause uncertainty and anxiety in the rabbit owner.

Rabbit Reproduction is an e-book entirely focused on reproducing rabbits, from mating and kindling, to the entire season of a young kit's life from conception to teenage-hood, now in an enhanced second edition

Not just a ‘how-to’ manual: It fully answers a plethora of all the what-if questions that eventually arise: what if the doe doesn’t cooperate, are all first-time does stupid, should I test-breed, when can I check the kits, are the babies getting enough milk, what if I don’t have a nest box, how can I tell the boys from the girls, and so much more.

-- Click here for much more info about Rabbit Reproduction.
-- Follow this link to purchase Rabbit Reproduction E-Book!

Your purchase is 100% Risk Free. See our Double-Value Guarantee below.

  • Weaning Rabbits - When and how to wean bunnies safely. 
  • Weaning Worries - all kinds of fears and misguided ideas exist on the web about bunny weaning! Allay your fears by learning the biological realities of weaning rabbits, so you can safely wean your rabbits, or purchase a safely weaned bunny.
  • Sexing Rabbits - how to reliably determine the gender of the baby bunnies as early as 2-3 weeks of age.
  • Rabbit Pedigree Charts - Learn what a pedigree is, the details included on a rabbit pedigree, and how to create pedigrees for your new rabbits
  • Info on Rabbits and Bunnies: Rabbit information, including frequently asked questions and answers (FAQ) about pregnant rabbits, rabbits giving birth, and taking care of bunnies.

Rabbits love  Bunny Branola, say their owners.
Read the Testimonials!

When to re-breed a doe depends on a number of different factors.  Some breeders simply breed every three months. This gives the doe plenty of time to rebuild her condition.  Others let the doe's condition dictate the rebreeding schedule.

Breeding rabbits can provide unforgettable experiences when done wisely, and is especially valuable for teaching kindness, empathy, and animal husbandry to children.

Pregnant rabbit doe just days from kindling her litter

"The righteous man regards the life of his animal"
(Proverbs 12:10)

Rabbit Reproduction, 2nd Edition

Rabbit Reproduction E-Book

YES! I need to know more about rabbit reproduction...
And, I need a resource at my fingertips, available when I need it!

This e-book is entirely focused on reproducing rabbits, from mating and kindling, to the entire season of a young kit's life from conception to teenage-hood and beyond. 

-- Click here for all the details about Rabbit Reproduction!
-- Follow this link to purchase Rabbit Reproduction E-Book!

Your purchase is 100% Risk Free. See our Double-Value Guarantee below.

Raising rabbits? Consider a membership to the American Rabbit Breeders Association

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Go ahead - take any of our e-books for a test drive. Peruse our detailed informational and educational e-books. Examine our plans for building rabbit cages, runs, or metal or PVC hutch frames. Check out the Rabbit Husbandry info e-books.

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Note: When you purchase your e-books, they will be in PDF format, so you can download them to any device that supports PDF format. We advise making a back-up copy to a drive or cloud account. If the books are lost, you can also purchase another copy from Raising-Rabbits.

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