Featured Rabbit Breeder Index: A number of rabbit breeders who take their rabbit breeding seriously have subscribed to our Featured Rabbitry service! This number is growing; so now you can take a look at any or all of our Featured Rabbitries to help you find which rabbitries provide rabbits that will best fit your needs.
Each featured rabbit breeder has their own full webpage here on Raising-Rabbits, with lots of pictures and details about their rabbits and services.
The prospective customer gets to see many photos of available rabbits, and a full page of descriptions and explanations. This really helps to answer your questions ahead of time, or allay any concerns you may have, whether your seeking show quality rabbits or a fabulous pet bunny.
Of course, remaining questions need to be addressed directly with the featured rabbit breeder.
We encourage you to click through to any of the featured rabbitries that are within your driving distance parameters!
This Index page lists the featured rabbitries in the United States by state. The international rabbitries follow. Just click the green hotlinks and go.
Clicking the State links will take you below to the featured rabbitries in that state.
United States
Hostile Hare: Chinchilla. Also, Hostile Hare Rabbit Cages.
Open Doors Rabbitry: Lionheads, New Zealands
Goshen Bunnies: Holland Lops, Mini Plush Lops
New Jersey:
Belle's Bunny Boutique: Holland Lops, Mini Lion Lops
North Carolina:
Breadbox Rabbitry: Netherland Dwarfs
What The Fluffle Rabbitry: New Zealands, Holland Lops
Happily Ever After Rabbitry: Mini Plush Lops, Holland Lops, Mini Rex, Mini Lops, Lionheads, Netherland Dwarfs.
Bunnies by Emma and Ellie: Holland Lop, Mini Plush Lop, Mini Lop, Mini Rex/Holland Lop mix bunnies.
South Carolina:
Jubilee Farms: Holland Lops
Cotton Candie Tails: Lionheads, Vienna Marked bunnies
MapleRidge Stables Rabbitry: Himalayan Rabbits
Featured Rabbitry: Hostile Hare
Casa Grande, AZ
Point of Contact: Nick
Phone: (480) 331 - 3761
Email: Nick @ hostilehare. com
Website: https://www.hostilehare.com/
Facebook: Hostile Hare on FB
Instagram: Hostile Hare on Instagram
Youtube: Hostile Hare on YT
Breed/Color/Age/Size: American Chinchilla and Chinchilla mix
More Detail: Whether you are a back yard hobbyist or a hard-core survivalist, we have equipment and knowledge that can help you on your way to becoming self sufficient.
Hostile Hare has additional Social Media presence.
Note: Hostile Hare Cages are available through the Raising-Rabbits Store - we highly recommend!
Featured Rabbitry Page: Open Doors Rabbitry
Location: Worden, IL
Breeds: Lionheads, New Zealands. Champagne d'Argents to be added in 2024.
More detail: The Open Doors Rabbitry is managed by the teenage son, Micah, and his siblings, who use excellent rabbit care practices, and send a full quart of transition feed with every purchased rabbit.
Email: opendoorshf @ gmail. com
Website: https://opendoorsheritagefarm.wordpress.com/
Phone: (618) 402 - 5924 (ask for Micah)
Featured Rabbitry Page: Goshen Bunnies
Goshen KY
Breeds: Holland Lops, Mini Plush Lops.
More detail: My Hollands are handled daily by my children and are used to daily household noises. They work on litter training before leaving my rabbitry.
Email: Goshenhollands @ gmail. com
Website: www.GoshenBunnies.com
Phone: (502) 548 - 5901
7/12/2021 (Updated 5/2/2022)
Featured Rabbitry Page:
Belle's Bunny Boutique
Belmar, NJ
Breeds: Holland Lops.
More detail: Carefully bred for health, type and friendly personality. Our breeding stock has been carefully selected from top breeders; we have invested in the best to avoid issues that come with poor genetics. We begin holding our baby kits at 4 days of age and start potty-training at 2 weeks. Our rabbitry is completely indoors and we lovingly handle the bunnies every day.
Contact: bunnyboutique4 @ yahoo . com
Website: www.bellesbunnyboutique.com
Featured Rabbitry Page:
Breadbox Rabbitry
Chapel Hill, NC
Breeds: Netherland Dwarf, Jersey Wooly for show and pet
Email: breadboxfarm @ gmail. com
Website: www.breadboxfarm.com/
Instagram: Breadbox Rabbitry on Instagram
More detail: ARBA registered.
Featured Rabbitry Page:
What the Fluffle Rabbitry
Dobson, NC
Breeds: Purebred New Zealand rabbits and Champagne d'Argent rabbits for meat, breeding, show and pets.
More detail: ARBA-registered rabbitry with high quality, fast growing and gorgeous rabbits for breeding, meat, show and pets. We raise purebred New Zealand reds, whites, blues, blacks and brokens. We also have lines of pedigreed Champagne d'Argent. We sell weaning-age kits through to breeding age and prices start at $20. We also sell rabbit meat.
Website: tribeofthunderfarm.weebly.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/tribeofthunderfarm/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/tribeofthunderfarm
Email: wtfrabbitry @ gmail. com
Phone: (336) 480 - 1922
10/15/2021 (Updated)
Featured Rabbitry Page: Happily Ever After Rabbitry
Location: Bernville, PA
Breeds: Mini Plush Lops, Holland Lops, Netherland Dwarfs, Lionheads, Mini Lops, Mini Rex.
More detail: We focus on QUALITY over quantity by limiting the number of litters at any given time. This way we can handle each bunny daily. Our rabbits are part of the family and are exposed to a number of different animals and sounds on our property. Registered with ARBA.
Email: Happilyeverafterrabbitry @ gmail. com
Instagram: Happily Ever After on Instagram
Facebook: Happily Ever After on Facebook
Phone: (484) 755 - 0800
Featured Rabbitry Page:
Bunnies by Emma and Ellie
Morgantown, PA
Point of Contact: Alexandra
Phone: (215) 519 - 1059
Email: alexandra120748 @ gmail. com
Tiktok: Bunnies by Emma and Ellie
Instagram: Bunnies by Emma and Ellie
Website: https://bunniesbyemmaandellie.godaddysites.com/
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Holland Lops, Mini Lop, Mini Plush Lop, Mini Rex/Holland Lop mix bunnies
9/30/2022 (Updated 2/27/2023)
Edgemoor, SC
Jubilee Farms Holland Lops (formerly The Farm at Fort Mill)
Featured Rabbitry Page: Jubilee Farms Holland Lops
Breeds: Holland Lops. Fully Pedigreed, especially Vienna marked, harlequins, magpies, blue-eyed whites, white eared, and many beautiful colors.
More detail: ARBA members. Jubilee Farms is part of Edgemoor Equestrian, a beautiful 30 acre family farm. Besides the rabbitry, they also have horses and offer riding lessons. They are a great venue for parties, learning camps, and photoshoots.
Facebook: Jubilee Farms
Instagram: Jubilee Farms
Phone: (610) 844 - 8072
Email: kristinsteimeryoung @ gmail. com
Website: Jubilee Farms
10/7/2021 (Updated 3/1/2024)
Featured Rabbitry Page:
Cotton Candie Tails
Location: Bothell, WA
Breeds: Lionheads and Vienna Marked rabbits.
More detail: Our bunnies generally weigh around 3 pounds when full grown, are very cute, and are highly socialized so that they will quickly bond with their new families. Registered with ARBA.
Email: cottoncandietails @ gmail. com
Phone: (425) 563 - 5558
Featured Rabbitry: Maple Ridge Stables
Rigaud, Quebec
Breeds: Himalayan
More detail: Himalayans have white bodies with colored "points," i.e. ears, nose, paws, and tail, in either black, chocolate, blue, or lilac. They have relaxed personalities, so are a good rabbit for kids.
Email: MapleRidgeStablesinc @ gmail. com
Facebook: MapleRidgeStablesInc
Phone: (418) 222 - 1990
-- Are you trying to decide which breed is best for you?
-- Do you see a bunny available, but haven't heard of that kind before?
-- Are you curious about the different types of rabbits?
We have an e-book for that! It's titled Domestic Rabbit Breeds. Find it, and our other e-books, at World of Raising Rabbits.
Click Here to Purchase Domestic Rabbit Breeds!
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Rabbit raisers are a very good bunch, most of the time. We've heard of no problems with any rabbitries we've listed, but just the same, we ask that the buyer beware.
We have not visited the rabbitries listed. Do your research, keep your eyes open, and get yourself healthy rabbits:
Two very important questions that rabbit owners ask are:
Overall health comes from a strong immune system. A strong immune system is essential for the rabbit to ward off threats to its health (such as snuffles), and to stay healthy (such as keeping rabbit feet healthy, well furred, and free of sores).
We've done our best to provide you with strong website resources to help you keep your rabbits healthy! Our e-book, Keep Your Rabbits Healthy, is a compilation of ALL the health- and disease-related pages, information, and photos on the Raising-Rabbits website.
The only resource more extensive that I know of is the book, Rabbit Raising Problem Solver. Check them out!
As always, your purchase is 100% risk free. See our Double Value Guarantee below.
Our policy is to always OVER-deliver
on value,
which is why your purchase is fully covered by our
Go ahead - take any of our e-books for a test drive. Peruse our detailed informational and educational e-books. Examine our plans for building rabbit cages, runs, or metal or PVC hutch frames. Check out the Rabbit Husbandry info e-books.
If you aren't completely satisfied that your e-book purchase is worth at least double, triple or even quadruple the price you paid, just drop us a note within 45 days, and we'll refund you the entire cost. That's our Double-Value Guarantee.
Note: When you purchase your
e-books, they will be in PDF format, so you can download them to any device that
supports PDF format. We advise making a back-up copy to a drive or cloud
account. If the books are lost, you can also purchase another copy from Raising-Rabbits.
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