Watching the birth of rabbit kits

by Elizabeth
(West Palm Beach, Fl.)

I actually got to watch the birth of the rabbit kits. I went to check on my bunny, she was in the corner looking very scared. I started talking to her which seemed to calm her down. The next thing I knew she jumped in the box and started dropping them out.

It was a beautiful sight to see but now I am worried if they are all fine. She buried them in the fur and hay then got out of the box like nothing was going on. Should I be worried?

***** Karen Sez *****
Good job! No, you don't need to be worried, but you should check the nest and the kits. You don't want any dead kits or placentas to be rotting in there.

You can give your doe a treat, and then pull the whole nest out of the cage. If your doe was willing to 'drop' them in front of you, I think she'll be okay with you checking the nest.

Once you're sure everything is okay and clean, you can cover all the kits over with the doe's fur the way you found it, and give her the nest again.

Congrats and have fun!

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Jul 28, 2012
Wow! so proud
by: Anonymous

Wow! how exciting! How many kits? How is the mother? I got a suggestion. How about getting mothers to be a larger cage for kit growth? Congrats!!!!!

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