Broken Back

by Louise
(Essex, England, United Kingdom)

My Rabbit may have broken his back, he is only 6 years old and he had has a bit of a wee problem. The vets haven't solved it yet but it had been very smelly and horrid to look at; but yesterday and a few times before he has fallen when trying to get to the top of the hutch and he fell onto his back, he seemed OK, but now he just sits in the same place for hours and only moves around probably when we let him run round our garden.

Does ANYONE know if we should go to the vets now or on Sunday because he doesn't seem in pain, but we don't know. He really isn't himself and seems to want lots of cuddles and looks around instead of running away.

We already have booked an appointment with the vets for his jabs so should we go earlier now? Many thanks, please help even if you only have a few ideas.

We don't want to put him to sleep ourselves or anything because we feel that the vets are nicer.
Thank you. I actually was filming when he fell so if anyone wants to see pictures then i will try to unload them too...

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Feb 24, 2013
Tough call
by: Anonymous

You obviously care sincerely for your rabbit. So sorry. I know that rabbits can and do show fear, but not familiar about pain. My only advice would be to treat him with the utmost kindness, whether that is cuddles or euthanasia. It is a tough call that only you can make. Bunny hugs.

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