Can anyone tell me what breed my bunny is?

by Summer
(Florida, USA)



I just got my bunny today. He is very sweet and oh my goodness extremely soft. I can't remember what breed the man said he is. Honestly I was too wrapped up in his cuteness that I didn't really hear what he was saying. I know I should have been paying attention but how could I with all the cuteness that was around?!?

His ears stand straight up when something has his attention. He reminds me of a baby cow with his coloring and his fur is super soft. Any help is appreciated!

***** Karen Sez *****

I'd bet a jelly donut that this bunny is a mini-rex! Does that sound like with the man said?

It could also be a normal-sized Rex rabbit, but... nah, looks like a Mini Rex. And yes, very cute! Congrats, hope you can enjoy this bunny for a very long time.

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Jul 23, 2018
by: Annah

Yes, I agree with a previous commenter. I have 4 Mini Rex's and that the same body shape, head shape, ear positioning and everything. Very friendly, soft, child friendly rabbits. They are such an amazing addition to a family. Congrats!

Sep 17, 2013
Spots are Beautiful
by: Anonymous

You said a "baby cow"; I think dalmation puppy with long ears. Congrats, he sure is a cutie

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