Don't know his breed, can you help?

by Ashlee Nichols
(Strongsville, OH, USA)

I bought a 5-6 month old rabbit a couple days ago for my daughter from a pet store. The store had his labeled as a "mini lop" but his ears don't "lop" over so I would like to know opinions on what he is! He's black with brown eyes, smaller ears that stand up and he likes to have them together. The tips of the ears seem to bend in a tad at the top. He's small, maybe 2 lbs at the most, 5-6 months old and adorable but doesn't like to be handled quite yet.

***** Karen Sez *****
It's hard to make a determination without a picture, but...ain't many breeds that meet your description outside the Netherland Dwarf breed.

If its body is a bit racy, it may be a Britannia Petite. Otherwise, if the rabbit is quite blocky in appearance, I'm guessing Netherland Dwarf.

BTW: Pet shops do a great service by providing pet and show rabbits to people across the country who have been looking for them. Don't let anyone tell you that pet shops don't offer great rabbits that are also well-cared-for.

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Dec 24, 2011
Agility bunny?
by: Anonymous

I was watching videos on Youtube about bunnies and I came across bunnies doing tricks (rabbit agility). I was wondering if its okay to train yours at seven month old? Or if not to train yours at all?

***** Karen Sez *****
Hey, sounds like a great idea. IMO, it's not a matter of okay or not okay. You don't have to ask anyone's permission. If you can make it work, great! At 8 months old, a rabbit is barely out of teen-hood. Sounds like a perfect age to begin. But by all means, contact someone who is active in rabbit agility, and get their opinion.

The rabbits seem to enjoy it, the participants have a blast, what's not to like?

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