Dying Dutch Bunnies

by Chris
(United Kingdom)

Help!!!! I have a litter of dutch babies around 7 weeks old and over the last three days have found 2 on separate days lying on their sides heads arched backwards legs appear to be in spasm both appeared to be gasping for breath, they also appeared to be very limp. No swelling of their stomachs, no diarrhea, eyes appeared clear but quite dry?? Can't find any diagnoses with these symptoms.

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May 29, 2011
Dying kits
by: Anonymous

Oh, or it is dehydration or a combo of dehydration and Pneumonia or Pasteurella.

May 29, 2011
RE Dying Dutch
by: Anonymous

The tilting head back and arching is called a death throe. Most likely Pneumonia is what is killing them or pasteurella. Very hard to treat babies that are real young. You can try 1/4 CC of Ren G procaine injection under skin - 3 shots in a week. If its pneumonia and they are not too far gone it should save them. Pasteurella only can be treated with Baytril.

***Moderator Comment***
Good thoughts, but, if the problem is enteritis and not pneumonia, the antibiotics are likely to flat-out kill the bunnies. A vet opinion will be valuable.

May 29, 2011
RE Dying Bunnies
by: Moderator

We can't know for sure without seeing, Chris, but the chance is very great that your bunnies have fatal enterotoxemia. The symptoms you are seeing are actually death throes, which happens as the bunnies die. Death throes are reflexive action at the point of death, and don't necessarily mean the animal is dying of a lung problem.

Enterotoxemia doesn't always show abdominal symptoms, such as diarrhea, but let me ask--have you seen any loose stools?

What to do -- remove all feed immediately and give only grass hay and lots of water for 48 hours at least. Do you have access to a rabbit-savvy vet? If you can get some Benebac or other probiotics suitable for bunnies, do so immediately.

Lastly, clean out the bunny living quarters, disinfect everything, and replace with fresh bedding.

Good luck!

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