I'm worried about my buck with a red raw butt

My rabbit has been scratching at his butt

a lot and now its red and raw! Should I worry?
What should I do to make it stop?

***** Karen Sez *****

That sounds miserable. Are we talking the fur or the vent region?

About the vent, check the pictures at https://www.raising-rabbits.com/rabbit-syphilis.html (copy and paste the url into a new window of your browser) and see if your rabbit's hind end looks like that. If so, it needs a trip to the vet and Penicillin shots.

It might also be that the scent glands near its vent could be clogged and inflamed.

If you're referring to the fur in the hindquarters area, the problem is most likely fur mites or fleas. Both can be eradicated with either kitten flea powder or Ivermectin. You'll find more info at https://www.raising-rabbits.com/fur-mites-in-rabbits.html.

Be sure you eradicate the mites or fleas from the environment as well, or you'll be rinsing and repeating indefinitely - not fun!

That said, your best bet in any situation is to get a vet's professional eyes-on opinion, since we cannot know for sure what the rabbit's actual problem is from over here, plus we're not vets ourselves, though our opinions do come with lots of experience.

Good luck.

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Sep 13, 2012
Buck with raw butt
by: Anonymous

A third possibility - may be time to clip HIS nails. If this individual is just walking by the cage when Buck is sprawled out, the testicles are red and unfurred. Pic would be helpful

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