My four month old bunny died suddenly

by Elizabeth

Two days ago, I got a small 4 month old bunny. He seemed great until today, when I found that he had died. I am so very upset and I have absolutely no idea why this happened. Does anybody have ideas or reasons for this to happen... and so suddenly?! I am so sad and it's all the worse because I don't know why it happened. Please help. :'(

****Karen Sez****
Very sorry, Elizabeth.

Did the bunny have any diarrhea? Sure sounds like enterotoxemia, caused by a disruption of the normal bacteria in the bunny's guts, possibly diet-related. Sometimes a rabbit can up and die with no warning. I'm thinking this might have been the cause.

It's best to avoid feeding rabbits people-food. Commercial pellets, along with hay is good, at least to start with. Then, when the rabbit gets comfortable with you, and you begin to understand its needs, you can add in a few (non-sugary) people-food treats very occasionally.

I hope you can take heart that your rabbit's death was not a usual occurrence, and that things will go much better with your next rabbit.

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Nov 02, 2013
Coccidia sometimes kills suddenly
by: Anonymous

I had bought a pair of breeding rabbits, that 2 weeks after purchase, died suddenly. I took them to the vet and had an autopsy done.

Everything looked fine but the liver.

Pasture Coccidiosis had been confirmed.

I suggest bleaching EVERYTHING and I mean everything that bunny came in contact with or you are risking future infections.

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