My rabbit's neck

by Durlabh Bhagwatkar
(India )

My rabbit's neck

My rabbit's neck

My rabbit's neck hairs are getting lost and he sniffs and coughs very badly and he put his 2 hands when he sniffs I am scared please tell guys what to do now please?

***** Karen Sez *****
So sorry to hear this Durlabh.

I am not sure why the fur on the neck is falling out, whether it is a parasite, or possibly more likely some sort of a skin infection in the folds of the dewlap. I am not a vet and cannot make a diagnosis.

Have other breeders experienced this in their rabbits?

What to do about the problem depends entirely on what is causing it. Is there an animal expert in your town that can help you figure it out?

One thing is sure - this is a very sick rabbit. First, the rabbit's overall coat condition looks rough, which may indicate illness or a poor nutritional level. Next, the sneezing and nose-wiping are very typical of pasteurellosis.


In very sick rabbits, pasteurellosis, the disease caused by Pasteurella multocida, frequently progresses into pneumonia, and then death, which could occur within weeks unless the rabbit's immune system can find a way to overcome the infection. (I'm not a vet, remember.) The likelihood of the rabbit getting better if pneumonia sets in is very very low.

Were this my rabbit, I would euthanize it, most likely. Whether or not it could go into the food supply would depend on its physical condition, and especially, whatever is going on with that neck problem. I'm very sorry this is not more helpful.

I wish you the best with all your animals.

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Jun 28, 2014
Hairs back
by: Durlabh

My Rabbits hairs are back, thanks for your attention on me!!! I am happy to see now his hairs came... And I haven't take him to veterinary doctor.... He himself got them back..!!! Thank God...
And thanks

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