Rabbits for Sale in Florida

Rabbits for Sale in Florida: 
Find the rabbits you want to raise in your local FL neighborhood.

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Rabbits for Sale in Florida and
Florida Rabbit Breeders:

Young New Zealand White RabbitsYoung New Zealand White Rabbits

Anthony, FL 
Sal's Rabbit Hut

Breeds: Purebred Californians and Mini Rex 
Email:  lipirasr @ embarqmail. com
Phone: (352) 425 - 5449 or (352) 425 - 0684

Bonifay, FL
Lucky Rooster Farms
Point of Contact: Kelly
Email: lucky.rooster @ yahoo. com
Rex and Mini Rex including blue-eyed white Mini Rex
More Detail: We are a little family farm in the small town of Bonifay. We love all our babies, feathered and furred. We breed lynx, chocolate and lilac Rex rabbits, and Mini Rex in many colors. Our favorites are the blue eyed whites. We also raise chickens, turkeys, and goats. Our bunnies are handled regularly and are healthy and happy.

Brooksville, FL
Wild Child Farmstead
Point of Contact:
(203) 500 - 0213 or (203) 815 - 0035
Email: wildchildfarmstead @ yahoo. com          
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wildchildartflo 
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Flemish Giant

More Detail: All rabbits come with a full pedigree. We have 4 breeding does.

Cantonment, FL 
Cottin Pickin Rabbits
 Champagne d'Argents, Silver Foxes, Rhinelanders, Flemish Giant, New Zealand, Californian, Altex, Cane Cutters, RexMini Rex
Email: cottinpickinrabbit @ bellsouth. net

Karen Thinks Hostile Hare Wire Rabbit Cages Are Amazing.
What Do You Think?

Cape Coral, FL 
Porkie's Rabbitry
Tan Rabbits, Polish Rabbits.
porkiesrabbitry @ gmail . com 
Phone: (239) 284 - 6271
10/15/2021 (Updated)

Dundee, FL
Jack & Birdie's Little Lagomorphs

Breeds: Holland Lops.
More detail: We raise Holland Lops in Central Florida. We just love their sweet, spunky, friendly personality's and that puppy look with those adorable smooshy flat faces and cute little lop ears! We love our bunnies very much! Our bunnies are hand raised inside our home as our pets and accustomed to a family lifestyle and all that entails  (the sound of children, sometimes noisy teenagers, tv, vacuum, our pups, etc.)  Our bunnies are well socialized, handled daily, litter box trained, and showered with affection. Our bunnies are given daily free time to roam and explore around the house & play time indoors and outdoors weather permitting. Our goal is to raise healthy, happy, & colorful well socialized little Holland Lop Bunnies.
Email: jacksandbirdies @ gmail. com
Website: https://www.jackandbirdieslittlelagomorphs.com/

Holland Lops from Hop Lop Bunny Shop in Gorda, FL

Gorda, FL
Hop Lop Bunny Shop
Point of Contact:
(219) 378 - 8262
Email: Brcorne @ gmail. com
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Holland Lop
More Detail: Raised in our home with lots of love by our 5 children.
Holland Lops of various colors.              

Land o' Lakes, FL 
Green Tooth Farms
Mini Rex, Rex.
rfarm @ hushmail. com
Website: https://greentoothfarm.wixsite.com/rabbitry
7/7/2021 (Updated)

Melbourne, FL
Funky Chicken Farm Rabbitry and Wormery
Point of Contact:
(321) 505 - 4066
Email: srichmond2 @ cfl. rr. com
Website: https://www.funkychickenfarm.com/              
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FunkyChickenFarmFlorida/
New Zealand White, Chinchilla, Californian, Lionheads (double mane), Flemish Giant.
More Detail:  Our Funky Chicken Farm is open every Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 2pm. 

Rabbits love  Bunny Branola, say their owners.
Read the Testimonials!

Morriston, FL
Trulie Rex Rabbitry
Point of Contact:
(352) 581 - 0856
Email: trishaloomis70 @ gmail. com
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Mini Rex, Rex
More Detail: Specializing in breeding the best Mini Rex and Rex rabbits in the Morriston, FL, area.

Myakka City, FL
Heather's Rabbits
New Zealand White Rabbits.
hhenderson13 @ yahoo. com
Phone: (941) 270 - 0733

Orlando, FL
Dwarf Papillion
Point of Contact:
(407) 487 - 6897
Email: colonerk.27 @ gmail. com
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Dwarf Papillion

Parkland, FL
Hoppity Loppity Rabbitry
Holland Lops.
More detail: Small home rabbitry in south Florida raising show quality purebred and pedigreed Holland Lops. We strive to achieve Standard of Perfection. Our animals’ pedigrees include multiple grand champions. Contact us regarding show quality and pet quality rabbits.
Email: Lourdes_21 @ yahoo. com 
Phone: (561) 704 - 0733

South Daytona, FL 
Jennifer's Rabbits
Dwarf mixes.
Email: jasontsnyder @ iCloud . com
Phone: (386) 872 - 7366

Pet totes from Oskar and Friends - cool, fashionable, and fabulous.

Springhill, FL
Mandy's Monster Farm Flemish Giants
Breeds: Flemish Giant, Continental Giants, Holland Lops
Email: monsterfarm360 @ gmail . com

Williston, FL 
Furever Hollands
 Holland Lops
Email: wowsunshine24 @ gmail. com 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FureverHollands

Domestic Rabbit Breeds E-Book Cover

Interested in Other Rabbit Breeds?

-- Are you trying to decide which breed is best for you?

-- Do you see a bunny available, but haven't heard of that kind before?

-- Are you curious about the different types of rabbits?

We have an e-book for that! It's titled Domestic Rabbit Breeds. Find it, and our other e-books, at World of Raising Rabbits.
Click Here to Purchase Domestic Rabbit Breeds!


  • If you don't find a listing in your area, please go to Rabbits for Sale for more suggestions on finding your choice of rabbit locally. Or, check out our Rabbit Classifieds page for temporary rabbit listings.

Raising rabbits? Consider a membership to the American Rabbit Breeders Association

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Sherwood Pet Health Rabbit Feeds: the Best Karen Has Found...

Sherwood Rabbit Pellets
--Sherwood Pet Health Pelleted Bunny Feed 10 Pounds
--Sherwood Pet Health Pelleted Adult Rabbit Feed 10 Pounds

(Click the links to learn more about Sherwood Pet Health Rabbit Feeds.)

Buyer Beware

Rabbit raisers are a very good bunch, most of the time. We've heard of no problems with any rabbitries we've listed, but just the same, we ask that the buyer beware.

We have not visited the rabbitries listed. Do your research, keep your eyes open, and get yourself healthy rabbits:

Cutest Holland Lop Rabbit Ever!Cutest Holland Lop Rabbit Ever!
  • Ask if the breeder has had problems with buck teeth. Look in the rabbit's mouth - the top rabbit teeth should overlap the bottom teeth.
  • Ask if any genetic problems lurk in the herd. Buying meat rabbits? Ask about yellow fat. Certain breeds and lines within breeds have have their own various genetic problems - ask.
  • Listen inside the rabbitry - If you hear *any* sneezing or see *any* white snot, you may wish to leave without rabbits. Snotty mats on forearms, wet or dry, means a sick rabbit - don't buy. A damp nose (except on very hot days) might (but doesn't always) mean trouble - be cautious.
  • Turn the rabbit (or bunny) over to ensure the bottom is clean (no diarrhea). (Remnants of a  mild bunny diarrhea between 4 - 9 weeks old that has passed is not a problem.)
  • Buy at your own risk, and let us know of any problems. Thanks!

Raising Rabbits is where you will find comprehensive information and how-to instructions on all aspects of raising rabbits.

Here are two Raising-Rabbits resources on rabbit care and rabbit health. Click the photos to learn more or to purchase. Are either of these just what you are needing?

Rabbit Raising Problem Solver, by Karen Patry at Raising-Rabbits.com.
Keep Your Rabbits Healthy E-book: How to Improve Health and Conquer Common Rabbit diseases, by Karen Patry at Raising-Rabbits.com.

Double-Value Guarantee

Our policy is to always OVER-deliver on value,
which is why your purchase is fully covered by our
Double-Value Guarantee.

Go ahead - take any of our e-books for a test drive. Peruse our detailed informational and educational e-books. Examine our plans for building rabbit cages, runs, or metal or PVC hutch frames. Check out the Rabbit Husbandry info e-books.

If you aren't completely satisfied that your e-book purchase is worth at least double, triple or even quadruple the price you paid, just drop us a note within 45 days, and we'll refund you the entire cost. That's our Double-Value Guarantee.

Note: When you purchase your e-books, they will be in PDF format, so you can download them to any device that supports PDF format. We advise making a back-up copy to a drive or cloud account. If the books are lost, you can also purchase another copy from Raising-Rabbits.

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