for Sale in GA - Georgia:
Find the rabbits you want to
raise in your local Georgia neighborhood.
Acworth, GA
Hops Rabbitry
Point of Contact: Elizabeth
Email: ebethfish @ gmail. com
Breed/Color/Age/Size: We raise pedigreed Holland Lops.
More Detail: Each are handled daily and very sweet natured and make great pets!
Atlanta, GA
100 Days Rabbitry
Breeds: Quality, purebred New Zealand White
More Detail: Rabbits from foundation stock selected for good growth rates, large size, and reproductive success.(Pictured)
Website: https://100daysrabbitry.wordpress.com/about/
Banks County, GA
Pope Rabbitry
Breeds: New Zealand White
More detail: Veteran owned rabbitry. Pope Rabbitry specializes in breeding pairs, and animal husbandry education. Each purchase comes with a transitional bag of non-GMO food and a 48-hour health guarantee.
Email: poperabbitry @ gmail. com
Website: http://www.poperabbitry.com/
6/3/2021 (Updated)
Bonifay, GA
Lucky Rooster Farms
Point of Contact: Kelly
Email: Lucky.rooster @ yahoo. com
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Rex and Mini Rex including Blue Eyed White Mini Rex
More Detail: We are a little family farm in the small town of Bonifay. We love all our babies, feathered and furred. We breed Lynx, Chocolate and Lilac Rex rabbits and Mini Rex in many colors. Our favorites are the blue eyed whites we breed. We also raise chickens, turkeys, and goats. Our bunnies are handled regularly and they are healthy and happy. If you would like to contact us please send an email and we will get back with you as soon as we can. Thank you.
Box Springs, GA
Bunny Friends Farm
Point of Contact: Sheri
Phone: (229) 649 - 5672
Cell: (706) 392 - 2992
Email: slwatson1996 @ gmail. com
Instagram: Bunny Friends Farm
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Pedigreed Holland Lops, Purebred Mini Rex, and Mini Lops.
More Detail: Adorable pedigree Holland Lop babies are available, They are 7 weeks old, always kept indoors, well socialized, and potty trained. $175.
5/23/2022 (Updated 5/6/2024)
Cartersville, GA
Bunny Bouquet
Point of Contact: Abbye
Phone: (615) 957 - 1999
Email: bunnybouquet.of.georgia @ gmail. com
Breeds: Holland Lops, Lionheads.
More detail: All our babies are raised inside our home with lots of love. They are raised with a litter box, the best organic food, and timothy hay. We are happy to educate you about bunnies as house pets - as that is our main goal! Located in the greater Atlanta area.
4/26/2021 (Update 6/2/2023)
Cleveland, GA
Cleveland Georgia bunnies
Point of Contact: Emma
Phone: (706) 809 - 1000
Email: Clevelandgeorgiabunnies @ gmail. com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clevelandgeorgiabunnies
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Lionheads, Holland Lop mixes and Netherland Dwarf
More Detail: Socialized and have had litter box training.
1/3/2022 (Updated 6/6/2022)
Columbus, GA
War Family Rabbitry
Point of Contact: Cade
Phone: (762) 822 - 2906
Email: Warcadence @ gmail. com
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Flemish Giants, Holland Lops, Mini Rex, New Zealand.
Commerce, GA
Cofield Farms
Point of Contact: Sierra
Breeds: Flemish Giants, Mini Rex, Rex, Tamuk Composites.
More detail: Cofield Farms is a family owned rabbitry located
in Commerce Georgia. We raise and show Flemish Giants, Rex, Mini Rex rabbits.
We also have a Tamuk Composite breeding program as well. We handle our rabbits
daily, and do all we can to ensure they Will adjust well to their new homes.
All rabbits will be at least 12 weeks or older before leaving our farm and come
with a transitional bag of feed. We love to help educate and help anyone who is
interested in getting started with rabbits! Please follow our Facebook page for
the most recent updates on what we have available.
Email: Sierra.lynn.166 @ gmail. com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cofieldfarms/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Cofieldfarms_1998
Phone: (706) 457 - 9923
2/4/2020 (Updated 11/11/2022)
Covington, GA
Wimberly Farm
Breeds: Mini Rex, Rex, New Zealand, Mini Holland Lops, and Lionheads.
More detail: Each bunny comes with a transition bag and pellet and hay. We provide local delivery to the Metro Atlanta Area, and you can expect support from us during and after your purchase.
Email: wimberlyfarmgeorgia @ gmail. com
Phone: (334) 803 - 4299
Website: https://wimberlyfarm.com/
Dawsonville, GA
Herron Farms
Breeds: New Zealand Reds and New Zealand White.
More detail: Plus, worms and vermicomposting supplies.
Email: herronfarms @ gmail. com
Website: https://herronfarms.webs.com/
6/6/2021 (Updated)
Eatonton, GA
Roo Rabbitry
Breeds: New Zealand rabbits
Contact: gcainebr1 @ gmail. com
Phone: (706) 816 - 4615
Helen, GA
Cleveland Georgia Bunnies
Breeds: Holland Lops, Lionheads, dwarf.
Email: Emmavalencia069 @ gmail. com
Phone: (706) 809 - 1000
Lafayette, GA
Skyhopper Rabbitry
Point of Contact: George
Phone/Text: (701) 770 - 9546
Email: skyhopperrabbitry @ gmail. com
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Pedigreed French Lops, Mini Lops, Holland Lops
More Detail: All of our rabbits are handled daily. We strive for a friendly companion with the potential to go to the show pen. Each kit will come with a bag of transitional food and their pedigree. Feel free to email or text with any questions. (Formerly knows as Rocking Diamond Ranch)
2/23/2024 (Updated 11/11/2024)
Nashville, GA
Isabella's Rabbits
Breeds: New Zealand, Flemish Giants, Rex, Lionheads, mixes and Lop mixes (Chinchillas, Dwarf rabbits, and more..!)
More detail: We are a small mother daughter business. Text or email for pictures and info.
Email: isabellayeomans1 @ gmail. com
Cell/Text: (912) 520 - 2280
Newborn, GA
Hannah's Hop Hops
Breeds: Lionheads double-maned
Email: kiniria @ yahoo. com
Phone: (770) 843 - 9005
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HannahsHopHops
Website: http://hannahshophops.weebly.com/
Preston, GA
Nitty Gritty Rabbitry
Point of Contact: Karen
Phone/Text: (432) 703 - 1234
Email: kmvause @ live. com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nittygrittyrabbitry
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Tamuk composites and pedigreed Rex
More Detail: We enjoy working with new breeders and families. Please feel free to text with questions or to get on our waiting list.
Rockmart, GA
White Creek Farm
Breeds: Mini Plush Lops and Holland Lops
Email: Whitecreekfarm2015 @ gmail. com
Phone: (770) 289 - 6613
Statesboro, GA
Cannon Fire Rabbitry
Breeds: Continental giants
More detail: I am dedicated to raising the highest quality giants from imported lines.
Email: Ambercottrill76 @ gmail. com
Phone: (912) 531 - 3209
Stockton, GA
Rainbow Paradise Farm
Breeds: Dutch. Babies available after 8 weeks of age.
More Detail: Located in South Georgia near Valdosta. We are a family owned farm raising rabbits and chickens.
Contact: jonesraynae @ gmail. com
Facebook: Rainbow Paradise Farm on Facebook
Suwanee, GA
Suwanee Creek Farm
Breeds: Pedigreed Beverens and American Chinchillas
Email: ourgoldenapples @ gmail. com
Phone: (770) 945 - 8996
Facebook: Suwanee Creek Farm
Talking Rock, GA
Triple Lucky Farm
Breeds: New Zealand, Holland Lops.
Phone: (678) 390 - 4572
Email: hello @ tripleluckyfarm. com
Website: tripleluckyfarm.com
Valdosta, GA
Little Critters Farm
Breeds: Netherland Dwarf, Holland Lops, white eared Holland Lops, double-maned Lionheads, Dwarf Hotots, Mini Rex.
More detail: All of my rabbits are pedigreed and show quality. A lot of them come from show stock. I work hard on raising happy, friendly rabbits. They're fed on a balanced diet of the best rabbit feed and Timothy Hay. They're outside, so they're use to noises. I have a lot of experience in the knowledge of rabbits. Anything you want to ask me, I'll do my best to answer your questions. Each bunny will come with a pedigree, a bag of timothy hay, and a bag of transitional feed, so you can transfer them to your own feed without any digestive issues.
Email: lplittlecrittersfarm @ gmail. com
Facebook Group: Little Critters Farm
Phone: (229) 412 - 8630
Winder, GA
Hoppin Holland Lops
Point of Contact: Jessica
Phone: (678) 963 - 6811
Email: MomofthreeNMA212 @ gmail. com
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Holland Lops
More Detail: Hello! Our bunnies have been around children (14, 11, 3) and have been very loving, playful, and cuddly with them! We absolutely love and adore these bunnies. They are currently on a diet of Alfalfa Hay, Oxbow Garden Select pellets, and greens that consist of Spring Mix and Romaine. They are very social and love companionship. If anyone has any questions, please let me know!
-- Are you trying to decide which breed is best for you?
-- Do you see a bunny available, but haven't heard of that kind before?
-- Are you curious about the different types of rabbits?
We have an e-book for that! It's titled Domestic Rabbit Breeds. Find it, and our other e-books, at World of Raising Rabbits.
Click Here to Purchase Domestic Rabbit Breeds!
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Rabbit raisers are a very good bunch, most of the time. We've heard of no problems with any rabbitries we've listed, but just the same, we ask that the buyer beware.
We have not visited the rabbitries listed. Do your research, keep your eyes open, and get yourself healthy rabbits:
Here are two Raising-Rabbits resources on rabbit care and rabbit health. Click the photos to learn more or to purchase. Are either of these just what you are needing?
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