for Sale in Idaho: Find the rabbits you want to raise in
your local Idaho neighborhood.
Athol, ID
Love You Lops Rabbitry
Breeds: Holland Lops.
More detail: I am a small town breeder raising Holland lops for pets. All of my rabbits are purebred and can come with pedigrees. However, I only breed a few times a year and devote extra time to supporting pet owners.
Email: Loveyoulops @ gmail. com
Phone: (503) 314 - 5280
Website: www.loveyoulops.com
Blackfoot, ID
Floppy Reynolds Lops
Breeds: Holland Lops.
More detail: Small rabbitry breeds purebred pedigree holland lops.
Email: reynoldsgage157 @ gmail. com
Phone: (208) 680 - 8909
Blanchard, ID
Hangin' Low Lops Rabbitry
Point of Contact: Lindsey
Email: hanginlowlops @ hotmail . com
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Polish, Silver Fox, and Mini Lops.
More Detail: 20 years experience.
12/6/2020 (updated 5/20/2022)
Bonners Ferry, ID
Breanna's Rabbitry
Breeds: Holland Lops.
Contact: tdholdeman @ gmail . com
Phone: (208) 597 - 5460
6/17/2021 (Updated)
Bonners Ferry, ID
AB's Bunnies
Breeds: Holland Lops and Lionheads
Email: dreamofhorses @ icloud. com
Facebook: Facebook.com/ABs-Bunnies-101012065472719/
Coeur D'Alene, ID
Bee's Beautiful Bunnies Rabbitry
Breeds: Holland Lops.
More detail: We are a humane breeder and only use natural, non-GMO feed and supplies. All our rabbits are given spacious, clean cages and are never over-bred. We handle all our bunnies daily from birth giving them amazing, human-loving personalities! All our breeders are pedigreed.
Email: beesbeautifulbunnies @ gmail. com
Phone: (541) 390 - 9997
Website: https://beesbeautifulbunnies.square.site/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/beesbeautifulbunniesrabbitry/
11/8/2021 (Updated 9/7/2022)
Council, ID
Lana's Angoras
Breeds: English Angoras
Email: lanajoura.angora @ gmail. com
Craigmont, ID
Rylies Ranch Rabbitry
Point of Contact: Rylie
Email: rdnewbre @ gmail. com
Website: https://sites.google.com/sd305.org/ryliesranchrabbitry/home
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Crosses between Mini Lop, New Zealand, and Chinchilla. We also have full Chinchillas. No Pedigrees.
More Detail: I am a small rabbitry that started a few years ago as a 4H project. I am now 17 and I have since turned it into my FFA breeding program. I always handle my rabbits well and they come to you docile and calm. I have all kinds of litters available most of the time so you can email me if you are interested and let me know what you are looking for.
Fairfield, ID
Camas Prairie Rabbitry
Point of Contact: Brittany
Breeds: Flemish Giants, Meat Breed mixes.
More detail: We are a small rabbitry that raises meat breed
mixes and purebred Flemish Giants (the Giants are currently not registered but
we are in the process of securing the necessary paperwork to register our
litters). We have 2 Flemish Giant does, 1 Flemish Giant buck, 1 Flemish
Giant/Continental doe, and 1 New Zealand/Rex buck. All of our rabbits
have been around our dogs, cats, and children often, handled daily,
even-tempered, and grown to be large in size. They are good quality meat
and pet rabbits.
Email: mangumclan @ gmail. com
Phone: (208) 961 - 0297
Grangeville, ID
Cotton Patch Rabbitry
Breeds: Flemish Giants and Giant Crosses
Website: www.cottonpatchrabbitry.com
Email: cottonpatchrabbitry @ gmail. com
7/28/2021 (Updated)
Idaho Falls, ID
VIP Rabbitry
Breeds: Lionheads, Californians, Giant Chinchillas
Email: viprabbitry2468 @ gmail. com
Phone: (208) 221 - 0267
Website: https://viprabbitry2468.wixsite.com/viprabbitry
Instagram: VIP Rabbitry
Idaho Falls, ID
Chicken and Bear Rabbitry
Breeds: Holland Lops
More detail: Purebred pets. Pedigrees available. We always give a little informational pamphlet to anyone that adopts from us. And, we always send transitional feed with our bunnies.
Email: aegardner2010 @ gmail. com
Phone: (208) 881 - 8973
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chickenandbearrabbitry
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chickenandbearrabbitry/
Moyie Springs, ID
North Idaho Bun Bun Rabbitry
Breeds: Californians, New Zealand Whites, and Silver Fox, rabbits.
More detail: Available in all ages and sizes. We keep the best meat rabbits and the sweetest pets for your family and ours.
Email: gwin2win4always @ gmail . com
Phone: (208) 217 - 0437
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rabbitwhisperingguru/
Priest River, ID
Wild Rose Rabbitry
Breeds: Polish
More detail: breeding pedigreed show and pet quality polish rabbits in chocolate, lilac, blue, black and broken.
Email: Wildrosefinnsheep @ gmail. com
6/28/2021 (Updated)
Rathdrum, ID
Angora Dale Rabbitry
Breeds: French Angora
Email: felisamans @ gmail. com
Facebook: Facebook.com/angoradalerabbitry/
4/22/2021 (7/12/2021 Updated)
Rexburg, ID
All Ears Rabbitry
Breeds: Purebred Holland Lops; Show, pets, or for breeding. Lionlops: Half Holland Lop, 1/4 Rex, 1/4 Lionheads.
More detail: We sell purebred Holland Lops, and Lionlops too. Some of our Lionlops look rex. Others look Lionhead. I have gotten a few Lionheads with lopped ears. I usually don't sell babies during the winter, but if you are interested in a bunny during the winter, feel free to inquire about available rabbits.
Email: casperson.lexie @ sugarsalem. com
Sand Point, ID
Mountain Traders Rabbitry
Point of Contact: Evie
Email: MountainTraders @ mountaintraders. net
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mountain.Traders.ID/
Website: https://www.mountaintraders.net/
Phone: (208) 557 - 3733
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Rex
More Detail: We are a farming family raising purebred Rex rabbits. Our rabbits are grass and grain fed, living year round in our tractor hutch. This gives them the healthiest environment to thrive. Since we do “community style” raising for our rabbits, meaning the buck and does share one large run, we have new litters frequently. Community style raising is also the best stress-free environment for our does, allowing them to share nests and ensuring the growing litters receive extra care from all the mothers. Our rabbits provide a variety of colors, including harlequin, opal, lilac, castor, otter, spotted and white. All of our rabbits are regularly handled and have docile temperaments, and are accustomed to kids, dogs and cats. Feel free to contact me for more info or
5/13/2022 (Updated 11/1/2022)
Soda Springs, ID
VIP Rabbitry
Breeds: Californians and Lionheads
More detail: All of our kits are handled from the day they are born till the day they leave out the rabbitry. We pride ourselves in how sweet and loving all of our rabbits are.
Email: : viprabbitry2468 @ gmail. com
Phone: (208) 221 - 0267
-- Are you trying to decide which breed is best for you?
-- Do you see a bunny available, but haven't heard of that kind before?
-- Are you curious about the different types of rabbits?
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Rabbit raisers are a very good bunch, most of the time. We've heard of no problems with any rabbitries we've listed, but just the same, we ask that the buyer beware.
We have not visited the rabbitries listed. Do your research, keep your eyes open, and get yourself healthy rabbits:
Here are two Raising-Rabbits resources on rabbit care and rabbit health. Click the photos to learn more or to purchase. Are either of these just what you are needing?
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