for Sale in Indiana:
Find the rabbits you want to
raise in your local Indiana neighborhood.
Angola, IN
Lilly’s BunnyBee Rabbitry
Point of Contact: Lilly
Phone/Text: (260) 667 - 0293
Email: lilly_blackburn @ icloud. com
Website: https://lillyblckbrn.wixsite.com/lillysbunnybeerabbit
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Dutch, Lionhead
Carthage, IN
Rick's Rabbits
Breeds: Commercial New Zealand meat rabbits
Contact: lasermart1 @ yahoo . com
Connersville, IN
Bar-T Ranch
Point of Contact: Marrisa
Phone: (765) 571 - 2430
Email: rrisa83 @ gmail. com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Bartranchandrabbitry
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Cinnamon
Edinburgh, IN
Little Critters Nursery
Point of Contact: John
Email: john @ littlecrittersnursery. com
Phone: (256) 541 - 1229
Website: https://littlecrittersnursery.com/
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Blanc de Hotot, English Lop, Silver, Silver Fox, Mini Rex, Florida White
Fort Wayne, IN
Autumn Ridge Rabbitry
Breeds: Netherland Dwarfs for show and pets
Contact: mary3791 @ frontier . com
6/21/2021 (Updated)
Greenwood, IN
Blue Ribbon Rabbitry
Point of Contact: Kelly
Email: blueribbonrabbitry @ gmail. com
Website: https://www.blueribbonrabbitry.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/blueribbonrabbitry
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/blueribbonrabbitry
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Tan
Greencastle, IN
Point of Contact: Nick
Phone: (812) 320 - 2089
Email: heck.nicholas @ gmail. com
Facebook: Nick's Rabbits
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Blue Holicer, French Lop
Hanover, IN
Cluckin Around
Point of Contact: Amanda
Phone: (812) 493 - 6630
Email: edwards4264 @ yahoo. com
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Dutch
Indianapolis, IN
Quarter Acre Rabbitry
Breeds: Silver Fox.
More Detail: We are a small central Indiana rabbitry specializing in the heritage Silver Fox breed.
Email: qacrefarm @ gmail. com
Phone: (765) 428 - 0968
Website: https://www.quarteracrefarms.com/
La Porte, IN
Bluebees Rabbitry
Point of Contact: Addison
Email: awill8864 @ gmail. com
Phone: (574) 701 - 6096 or (219) 380 - 4751
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100088267857892
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@addisonwill0
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Californian, American, Sable, Dutch, Rex, Polish, Mini Rex, Mini Lop, Champagne
d'Argent, Netherland Dwarf.
8/24/2022 (Updated 10/5/2023)
Lafayette, IN
Dileas Farm
Breeds: Purebred Californian, Red Eyed, White.
More detail: Great for pets, showing, meat, or breeding.
Contact: medic19426 @ gmail . com
Laurel, IN
Sunflower Spirit Rabbitry
Breeds: English Lops.
Email: sunflowerspiritrabbitry @ gmail. com
Phone: (765) 541 - 0621
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunflowerspiritrabbitry/
9/14/2021 (Update 3/20/2023)
Lebanon, IN
Turtle's Creek Rabbitry
Breeds: Mini Lops, broken and solids available. Fully pedigreed.
Email: swartz33 @ live . com
Nashville, IN
LDM Rabbitry
Breeds: Californian
More detail: My rabbits are colony raised and have unlimited supply of timothy hay and fresh grass.
Email: lancecooperw @ gmail. com
Phone: (317) 903 - 6324
Plainfield, IN
Ridgewood Hill Rabbitry
Point of Contact: Gabrielle
Email: mastgabrielle26 @ gmail. com
Website: https://ridgewoodhillrabbitry.square.site
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ridgewood.hills.rabbitry/
Breed/Color/Age/Size: English Angora
More Detail: Fiber rabbits and companion bunnies.
Plymouth, IN
Uncle Pete's Rabbitry
Breeds: Mini Satin and Mini Rex available from nationally known and nationally competitive lines. All are pedigreed. Animals available year round.
Email: unclepetesrabbitry @ yahoo . com
Website: https://unclepetesrabbitry.webs.com/
Roanoke, IN
Lulu B's Rabbitry
Breeds: Holland Lops and Mini Rex.
More detail: We are a small rabbitry focusing on hand-raising quality rabbits.
Email: lulubrabbitry @ gmail . com
Phone: (574) 780 - 3665
Solsberry, IN
Campbell’s Ridge Bunnies
Breeds: These are a mix breed. Angora and American.
More detail: We own mom and dad.
Email: jeanettempotts75 @ yahoo. com
Phone: (317) 600 - 6651
Vincennes, IN
Happy Tails Rabbitry
Point of Contact: Brooklyn
Phone: (812) 890 - 1266
Email: b.mikiska @ hotmail. com
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Holland Lop, Lilac, cross, Tan, Fuzzy Lop.
More Detail: We strive to breed the best show winning rabbits. We always make sure our rabbits are happy and healthy.
Westville, IN
Mia's Rabbitry
Breeds: Silver Fox, Polish, Havana.
More detail: We only breed during the summer.
Email: miaburns606 @ gmail . com
Website: https://miaburns606.wixsite.com/mysite
Phone: (219) 561 - 6054
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Rabbit raisers are a very good bunch, most of the time. We've heard of no problems with any rabbitries we've listed, but just the same, we ask that the buyer beware.
We have not visited the rabbitries listed. Do your research, keep your eyes open, and get yourself healthy rabbits:
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