for Sale in ME - Maine: Find the rabbits you want to raise
in your local Maine neighborhood.
Arundel, ME
Granite Force Farms
Breeds: Cinnamon and New Zealand Red
Email: jesynimom @ gmail . com
Phone: (207) 205 - 3927
Auburn, ME
Old Danville Homestead and Rabbitry
Point of Contact: Ainsley
Phone: (207) 513 - 6434
Email: olddanvillehomestead @ gmail. com
Website: https://www.olddanvillehomestead.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/olddanvillerabbits
Breed/Color/Age/Size: We breed Rex and New Zealand rabbits for meat and show in Auburn ME.
Brunswick, ME
Sarah's Rabbits
Breeds: Britannia Petite, Checkered Giants, Dutch, English Spots, Mini Lops, New Zealand Red, Rhinelanders, Satins, Satin Angoras, Silvers-Fawns.
Email: rideandflyer @ gmail. com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sarahsrabbits207/
Phone: (207) 504 - 2133
Bowdoin, ME
Rocky's Rabbits
Breeds: Silver Fox, New Zealand, Californian, French Lops.
More detail: Pedigreed Silver Fox in Black and Blue variety, New Zealand in several colored varieties, Californian, and French Lops. We offer pedigreed and show quality stock from excellent blood lines.
Email: rockysrabbits @ yahoo. com
Foxcraft, ME
Berry Hill Rabbitry
Point of Contact: Brandi
Phone/Text: (207) 322 - 5466
Email: berryhillbunnies @ gmail. com
Website: https://www.miniplushlopbunny.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/berryhillminiplushlops
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/berryhillbuns/
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Mini Plush Lops, Holland Lops, American Fuzzy Lop
More Detail: We are a small Rabbitry and our bunnies are handled and socialized before being placed. We breed mini plush that are directly imported from Europe as well as some American lines. We also bred excellent quality Holland lops and have recently expanded into American fuzzy lops of excellent quality. Follow us on social to learn more about our bunnies and go to our website to learn more about purchasing from us.
Fryeburg, ME
Fox Hill Rabbitry
Point of Contact: Edy
Phone: (603) 348 - 4171
Email: foxhillrabbitry @ gmail. com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/foxhillrabbitry/
Breeds: Silver Fox Heritage Rabbits.
More Detail: Usually have at least 5 litters growing out at a time. Easily can provide unrelated pedigreed breeding trios of show quality. Our rabbits recently won "Best of Breed" at Cumberland ME show.
10/18/2021 (Updated 6/24/2022)
Holden, ME
Rebecca's Rabbits
Point of Contact: Rebecca
Phone/Text: (207) 949 - 3710
Email: Frogster7916 @ gmail. com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100065933121749
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Rex. Gorgeous mixed colors. Beautiful fur. Also great for meat. Used to people and chickens. Friendly and adorable. Please text.
More Detail: We also breed donkeys! Check out our beautiful burros on Facebook.
Kennebunkport, ME
Clover Hill Farm
Point of Contact: Ryan
Phone: (603) 845 - 6500
Email: busby.ry @ zohomail. com
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Silver Fox
More Detail: Raising Pure-breed Silver Foxes from an award-winning line. We show the rabbits lots of love by handling them regularly, keeping their outdoor hutches clean, and moving them over fresh pasture each day during the growing season. We feed organic 17% alfalfa pellets, timothy hay, apple and willow twigs, and fresh greens when available. We're careful not to overfeed so that our rabbits are kept in peak condition like a highly trained athlete. They are mild mannered and the meat tastes great!
New Gloucester, ME
Fal.A.Ce Farms Homestead
Breeds: Mini Rex and Rex. Very happy bunnies!
Email: Fal.a.cefarmshomestead @ gmail. com
Phone: (207) 317 - 2036
Northport, ME
The Sapphire Sun Farm
Breeds: New Zealand, Rex, Satins, and Flemish Giants.
More detail: Happy bunnies that are taught to be used to hands. We breed year round, except for in the winter time.
Email: sapphiresunfarm @ gmail. com
Phone: (413) 320 - 7176
Phillips, ME
Cedar Mountain Rabbitry
Breeds: Lionheads and Fiber Angoras.
More detail: We are a family run rabbitry raising show quality, purebred and pedigreed Lionheads. Our color programs include Chocolate, REW, and Shaded. Often available are Lionheads not destined for the show table, which make perfect pets. Lionheads are a dwarf breed so they will stay little forever and can easily be litterbox trained. We love to help people get started in the world of showing as well as 4-H!
Contact: cedarmountaincollies @ gmail . com
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/cedarmountainrabbitry/
Phone: (207) 670 - 4036
Porter, ME
Breeds: French x German Angora crosses, no pedigrees.
More detail: Small rabbitry for fiber and pets, although they make a good dual-purpose breed. Rabbits are friendly, are handled and loved daily, and are accustomed to noise, dogs, cats and chickens. Weekly grooming is highly recommended, but they do not mat easily, so they are forgiving if you forget. They do not shed so they must be sheared 3-4 times a year.
Email: daniel.liz @ aol . com
Saint Albans, ME
Fur, Feathers, and More Homestead
Breeds: Mini Rex, Dutch, Holland Lop, Silver Fox, Netherland Dwarf, Lionhead, and Rex.
More detail: Working on adding more. Usually have babies
Being born every other week as we have a Large rabbitry
Email: Caoilinn.sprague @ icloud. com
Phone: (774) 291 - 4658
9/19/2022 (Updated 3/32/2024)
Searsmont, ME
Taylor's Rabbits
Breeds: Mini Rex, large mixed breed Cal Giant, Flemish Giant, Rex, New Zealand White.
Email: Taylormail1966 @ gmail. com
Phone: (207) 322 - 1061
6/24/2021 (Updated)
Washington County, ME
Down East Continental Giant Rabbits
Breeds: American and European bred, pedigreed. Continental Giant Rabbits.
More detail: They are friendly and healthy pets first and if they meet the standards, they are used in my breeding program. I breed and raise Continental Giant Rabbits on a limited basis. All of my babies are born and raised in my house and are handled and loved daily.
Email: continentalgiantbuns @ gmail. com
Whitefield, ME
Whitefield Rabbits and Goats
Point of Contact: Keith
Phone: (207) 245 - 2124
Email: trapping.boys911 @ gmail. com
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Rex, Holland Lops, Flemish Giants, New Zealand
-- Are you trying to decide which breed is best for you?
-- Do you see a bunny available, but haven't heard of that kind before?
-- Are you curious about the different types of rabbits?
We have an e-book for that! It's titled Domestic Rabbit Breeds. Find it, and our other e-books, at World of Raising Rabbits.
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Rabbit raisers are a very good bunch, most of the time. We've heard of no problems with any rabbitries we've listed, but just the same, we ask that the buyer beware.
We have not visited the rabbitries listed. Do your research, keep your eyes open, and get yourself healthy rabbits:
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