for Sale in NC - North Carolina:
Find the rabbits you want
to raise in your local North Carolina neighborhood.
Aberdeen, NC
Sarah's Rabbits
Breeds: American Chinchilla.
Email: sarah @ 3bugmedia. com
Phone: (704) 953 - 9134
Archdale, NC
TJ’s Loppy Lions
Point of Contact: macawadmirer @ gmail. com
Phone: (336) 803 - 5138
Email: macawadmirer @ gmail. com
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Lion Lops
More Detail: We have beautiful Lion Lop kits. They are for pets only and we don’t have pedigree’s on them. They are handled daily. $200.00 each.
Blanch, NC
Edelweiss Acres Rabbitry
Breeds: Holland Lops.
More detail: I love this breed and it is my goal to help support the breed standard and also help others have the joy of owning one of these adorable bunnies!
Email: edelweissacres4him @ gmail . com
Bryson City, NC
Amy's Rabbits
Breeds: New Zealands and Mini Rex
Email: Alarka8 @ yahoo. com
Cameron, NC
Neslers Rabbits
Point of Contact: Whitley
Phone: (270) 727 - 7784
Email: Neslermomx3 @ gmail. com
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Holland Lop/Mini Lop mixes
10/9/2023 (updated 12/22/2023)
Candler, NC
Smokey Mountain Rabbits
Breeds: New Zealand White (pictured) and New Zealand Red rabbits.
Contact: smokeymountainrabbits @ yahoo. com
Catawba, NC
Janet Hop @ Lop Rabbitry
Breeds: Holland Lops, American Fuzzy Lops
Contact: Janet @ ponypartiescharlottenc . com
7/30/2021 (Updated)
Featured Rabbitry! Breadbox Rabbitry
Chapel Hill, NC
Featured Rabbitry Page: Breadbox Rabbitry
Breeds: Netherland Dwarf, show and pet
Email: breadboxfarm @ gmail. com
Website: https://www.breadboxfarm.com/
More detail: ARBA registered
See lots of pictures of their adorable bunnies and get full details by visiting the Breadbox Rabbitry Featured Rabbitry page.
Charlotte, NC
Queen City Rabbitry
Breeds: Pedigreed and Show Quality Mini Lops.
More detail: Queen City Rabbitry is a specialty rabbitry located in Charlotte, North Carolina. We are a member of the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) with a focus on improving the temperament and quality of the unique mini lop breed. Our bunnies are well socialized by people of a variety of ages, so that we can pursue our goal of producing rabbits that make wonderful pets and companions.
Email: realityofrabbits @ gmail. com
Website: https://queencityrabbitry.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/QueenCityRabbitry
Charlotte, NC
Hannah's Rabbits
Point of Contact: Hannah
Email: Htp356 @ me. com
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Purebred, pedigree Silver Fox.
More Detail: On the farm in NY state I dreamed as a kid of raising rabbits for meat. Fast forward 25 years and our daughters are now leading the way into the journey of beginning a rabbitry. We have fallen in love with the silver fox breed, realizing they are just as good as pets as they are for meat. They are so sweet and we’d love to share the chance for others to raise this breed as well.
Featured Rabbitry! What the Fluffle Rabbitry
Dobson, NC
Featured Rabbitry Page: What The Fluffle Featured Rabbitry. See lots of pictures of their adorable bunnies and get full details!
Breeds: Purebred New Zealand rabbits and Champagne d'Argent rabbits for meat, breeding, show and pets.
More detail: ARBA-registered rabbitry with high quality, fast growing and gorgeous rabbits for breeding, meat, show and pets. We raise purebred New Zealand Reds, whites, blues, blacks and brokens. We also have lines of pedigreed Champagne d'Argent. We sell weaning-age kits through to breeding age and prices start at $20. We also sell rabbit meat.
Website: https://tribeofthunderfarm.weebly.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tribeofthunderfarm/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tribeofthunderfarm
Email: wtfrabbitry @ gmail. com
Phone: (336) 480 - 1922
10/15/2021 (Updated)
Elizabeth City, NC
Bunny Cakes
Breeds: Rex and Lops, REW and lilac. Single mane Lionheads, Holland Lops, Flemish Giants, English Lops, Angora.
More detail: We offer new, handmade, custom outdoor cages for $200. Call or text for pictures.
Email: dcake @ icloud . com
Phone/text: (757) 822 - 8538
(Updated on 8/2/2021)
Fayetteville, NC
Gooden Fluffy Hollands
Breeds: Holland Lops
More detail: Colors - we've had pass through-BEW, Harlequin, Tricolored, broken orange, cream, blue, blue tort, black tort, broken black tort, broken blue tort, sable frosty, frosty. Parents are 3.5 lbs or smaller. We sell babies at 8 weeks. We send a quart size bag of mixed hay and 2 cups of transition food with your rabbit. $10 off if you buy a pair.
Website: https://goodenfluffyhollands.vistaprintdigital.com/
Contact: goodenfluffyhollands @ yahoo . com
Phone: (910) - 273 - 1159
Franklin, NC
Buntastic Rabbitry
Breeds: Lionhead and Lionhead/Netherland Dwarf mix.
More detail: Please leave message or you may go to our Facebook page to see pics of new litters. Thank you.
Email: pruitt1 @ hotmail. com
Facebook: Buntastic-Rabbitrey
Phone: (828) 347 - 5288
Garland, NC
Skippin Kid Rabbitry
Breeds: Dwarf Hotot
More detail: We have just started raising rabbits and picked the Dwarf Hotot due to their beautiful looks, rarity and incredible personalities!! Been raising Bulldogs and Nubian goats for years. A few years back we had Thriantas.
Email: Bulldogs @ intrstar. net
Phone: (910) 214 - 1894
Grays Creek, NC
Nevaeh Rabbitry
Breeds: Continental Giants to BRC Standards of Perfection, Holland Lops and Rex to ARBA Standards of Perfection.
More detail: Working with chocolate based Holland Lops to show standards, as well as otters, some chinchillas and tricolors.
Contact: Snohomish20 @ gmail. com
Phone/text: (910) 885 - 1710
Facebook: Nevaeh Rabbitry and Rescue
Greensboro, NC
Bella Bunnies
Point of Contact: Kayla
Phone: (336) 340 - 9395
Email: kaylarrouse @ gmail. com
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Holland Lops
More Detail: We raise adorable Holland Lops for pets. Most of our babies have blue eyes and all have thick fluffy fur. We also pride ourselves in having well socialized babies that love to be cuddled. We take great care to ensure optimal environments as babies develop. Babies are ready to be weaned and sold when they reach at least 12 weeks and 1lb weight.
Hendersonville, NC
Tucked Away Hollow Farm
Breeds: Holland Lops.
More detail: My rabbits are super friendly and love to be held. Looking for loving homes. Perfect for family pets or breeding. They are $100 each and come with a pedigree.
Email: Lillylovesdogs9 @ gmail. com
Facebook: Tucked Away Hollow Farm
Hendersonville, NC
Bearwallow Bunnies
Point of Contact: Joan
Phone: (413) 325 - 4380
Email: joanelizabethrn @ gmail. com
Breed/Color/Age/Size: New Zealand Crosses and Chinchilla/NZ Crosses
More Detail: We are a small rabbitry focusing on raising meat rabbits with a sweet temperament so they also make great pets.
Kernersville, NC
Lops of Luv
Point of Contact: Krystal
Email: Lopsofluv4u @ gmail. com
Website: http://lopsofluv.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LopsofLuv
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lopsofluv4u/
X / Twitter: https://twitter.com/Lops0fLuv
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@LopsOfLuv
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lops0fluv?
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Plush Lops, Mini Plush Lops
More Detail: I raise Plush Lop Bunnies. They are low shedding and considered to be hypoallergenic. They have incredibly soft, plush fur and they have the most amazing temperament. They seek attention and cuddles! My babies are raised indoors, already started on litter box training and get handled daily. My babies are also raised in a cage free environment unlike other breeders. They are not just bunnies to me; they are apart of my family. I have a limited number of litters yearly.
Laurinburg, NC
Woodland Haven
Breeds: New Zealand White rabbits. My NZs are 100% purebred. Pedigrees available upon request.
More detail: I breed not only for ideal body type but also for qualities such as low molting, mothering abilities, and gentle temperament.
Contact: woodlandhaven @ yahoo. com
Facebook: Woodland Haven Rabbitry on Facebook
Lenoir, NC
Forgiven Farms Rabbitry
Point of Contact: April
Phone: (828) 292 - 6409
Email: forgivenfarmsnc @ gmail. com
Website: https://www.forgivenfarmsnc.com/
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Champagne d'Argent and Creme d'Argent
More Detail: Fully pedigreed Champagne and Creme d'argent
rabbits raised in Western NC. We also have other animals, as well as a mail-in blade sharpening service. We do clipper blades, hoof trimmers, sewing scissors and pinking shears, even knives!
Marion, NC
Her Farmstead Rabbitry
Point of Contact: Gracie
Text/Phone: (828) 442 - 0315
Email: gracie9779 @ mcsgmail. com
Breed/Color/Age/Size: New Zealand
More Detail: I raise New Zealand Rabbits. I usually have some
available. I also have a buck available as a stud. The best way to reach me is by email or text.
Mebane, NC
Rocky Road Rabbitry
Point of Contact: Carmen
Phone: (919) 417 - 6818
Email: rockyrdpagan @ gmail. com
Website: Rocky Road Rabbitry
Facebook: Rocky Road Rabbitry
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Flemish Giant, Californian, crosses. Colors may be white, black, gray. Photos available upon request.
More Detail: Meat-type rabbits for sale in NC. Suitable to livestock or pet homes.
Mooresville, NC
Hoppy Hill Hollow
Breeds: Holland Lops and Double Mane Lionheads. Chocolate, Harlequin, and Magpie
Contact: hoppyhillhollow @ gmail. com
Nashville, NC
Baker's Briar Patch Rabbitry
Point of Contact: William or Kimberly
Email: kimandgillis @ yahoo. com
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Tamuk composites
More Detail: Tamuks and Tamuk composites were developed by Texas A&M University to be able to breed through the heat of the summer. A wonderful meat rabbit!
Newton, NC
Wits End Farm and Rabbitry
Email: witsendfarm @ yahoo. com
Breeds: Silver Fox, Champagne d'Argent, Creme d'Argent.
More detail: We're a small hobby farm and rabbitry in the foothills of North Carolina. Military/Veteran family owned. Our breeding focuses on conservation and restoration of quality heritage meat breeds. Feel free to email with any questions or to get on our waiting list for one of our next litters.
Email: witsendfarm @ yahoo. com
(Updated on 7/30/2021)
Plymouth, NC
Bagley's Bunnies
Point of Contact: Caroline
Phone: (252) 505 - 2721
Email: connieelizabethbagley @ gmail. com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100086180221020
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Mother is a Netherland Dwarf/Lionhead. Father is a purebred Holland Lop.
More Detail: Fully litter trained, good with kids.
Raleigh, NC
Breeds: Netherland Dwarfs, Holland Lops.
More Detail: we are expanding our breeds of rabbits for sale in NC soon!
Contact: giordano.morgan @ yahoo. com
Phone: (919) 539 - 7222
Raleigh, NC
RJ Rabbitry
Breeds: Continental Giants, Flemish Giants, French Lops.
More detail: We love all Giant Rabbit breeds. You can say we are a Giant Rabbit fan!!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/RJ919NC
Email: Anthonyg919nc @ gmail. com
Sherrills Ford, NC
Lops On The Lake
Breeds: Holland Lops.
More detail: We generally have rabbits for sale in NC available at all times of the year.
Email: lopsonthelake @ gmail. com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/belleoaksfarm
Website: https://www.lopsonthelake.com/
Phone: (843) 601 - 1549
Waxhaw, NC
Wenger Wabbitry
Breeds: Holland Lops, Netherland Dwarfs.
More Detail: We focus on raising bunnies in a variety of colors with great temperament to make the best pets possible!
Email: forgeiger @ hotmail. com
Website: https://wengerwabbitry.wixsite.com/site
Waynesville, NC
Minton Valley Rabbitry
Breeds: Holland Lops.
More Detail: We are expanding our breeds soon!
Email: ac19982015 @ gmail. com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/263358201851701/
Wilkesboro, NC
Lyla Lu-Lu's Little Rabbit Farm
Breeds: Mini Rex.
Email: ambersmithrn @ yahoo. com
Phone: (335) 927 - 9441
Youngsville, NC
Daffodil's Darlings
Point of Contact: Jeanne
Email: daffydarlings23 @ gmail. com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/daffysdarlings
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Holland Lop
More Detail: All our baby bunnies are held regularly and love being petted.
Youngsville, NC
O'Kelley's O'Hares
Breeds: Holland Lops, raised and shown since 1996.
Contact: flopeared @ aol. com
Zebulon, NC
Zoe’s Lovely Lops
Breeds: Holland Lops.
More Detail: Our rabbits are sweet, loving and kind. They love to cuddle, and would make great pets.
Website: Zoe’s Lovely Lops
Email: zoebrown0424 @ gmail. com
7/30/2021 (Updated)
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Rabbit raisers are a very good bunch, most of the time. We've heard of no problems with any rabbitries we've listed, but just the same, we ask that the buyer beware.
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