for Sale in OH, Ohio:
Find the rabbits you want to raise
in your local Ohio neighborhood.
Alliance, OH
Rummel Rabbitry
Breeds: Purebred Californian
More detail: Our rabbits are for 4H, show, breeding stock, pet or commercial use (ARBA rabbitry)
Email: rummelrabbitry @ yahoo. com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rummel.rabbitry.3/
Ashville, OH
Becky's Rabbitry
Breeds: New Zealand White, Red, Blue, Black and Broken.
More detail: We raise New Zealands for 4-H market rabbit projects. We breed throughout the county fair season, and occasionally have stock available at other times of the year, Please contact us for availability.
Email: beckhil81603 @ yahoo . com
4/6/2021 (Updated 8/24/2021)
Bainbridge, OH
Misty Valley Rabbitry
Breeds: New Zealand in black, white, blue, and broken.
Phone: 740-634-2259
Email: traisei @ horizonview. net
Website: https://mistyvalleyrabbitry.weebly.com/index.html
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Misty-Valley-Rabbitry-100836598744768/
8/16/2021 (Updated)
Centerburg, OH
Hildebrand Family Rabbitry
Breeds: New Zealand Whites, Californian and Mini Rex.
Contact: zabethebabe @ gmail. com
8/31/2021 (Updated)
Chauncey, OH
Stay Gold Rabbitry
Breeds: Britannia Petite
Contact: staygoldrabbitry @ gmail. com
Cincinnati, OH
Lops and Foxes Rabbitry
Breeds: English Lops, Silver Foxes.
More detail: I breed and show pure bred English Lop and Silver Fox rabbits. I have a small rabbitry in my back yard and I am in 4H. Please text me if interested and visit my Facebook page for updates!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ahjaslopshop
Email: jonespodgie @ yahoo . com
Phone: (513) 491 - 2498
8/9/2021 (Updated)
Cleveland, OH
Grace N Faith Rabbitry
Breeds: Netherland Dwarfs
Email: Gracenfaithrabbitry @ gmail. com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/GraceNFaithRabbitry
Cleveland, OH
Dust Bunny Rabbitry
Point of Contact: Tina
Phone: (216) 386 - 8397
Email: tinasharee@gmail.com
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Pedigree Lionhead, Holland Lop, LionLops
Crown City, OH
Peppermint Bunnies
Breeds: Lionhead
More detail: Small hobby breeder of pedigree Lionhead rabbits.
Phone: (740) 709 - 0184
Email: Puppylove3448 @ gmail. com
Website: Peppermint Aussies N Bunnies
Dayton, OH
Wool Forest Farm
Breeds: Jersey Wooly
Email: woolforestfarm @ gmail . com
Phone: (937) 831 - 6146
Website: Wool Forest Farm
Dayton, OH
Yankee Hill Rabbitry
Breeds: American Rabbits: Blues and Ruby-Eyed Whites (REW).
More detail: A small operation dedicated to the preservation of the American Blue endangered rabbit, a heritage breed. Our American Blues produce between four and six pedigreed litters a year with the kits for sale to good homes.
Website: https://yankeehillrabbitry.wixsite.com/website
Email: yankeehillrabbitry @ gmail. com
8/9/2021 (Updated)
Elyria, OH
Anna's Royal Rabbitry
Breeds: Mini Rex, in lynx, lilac, castor, black, opal, and brokens
Email: abyrge62 @ gmail. com
Phone: (440) 502 - 7697
Facebook: facebook.com/annasroyal.rabbitry
Groveport, OH
Smith Rabbitry
Breeds: Rex, New Zealand/Californian mix.
Email: ternosmith4 @ gmail. com
Huron, OH
Sterling & Sons Rabbitry
Point of Contact: Adam
Phone: (440) 879 - 8880
Email: sterlingrabbitry @ gmail. com
Website: https://www.sterlingrabbits.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sterlingrabbits
Breed/Color/Age/Size: New Zealand blue and white.
More Detail: We're a father and sons team (with help from mom too) primarily focused on raising purebred blue New Zealands. Pedigrees available.
10/7/2022 (Updated 1/13/2023)
Jewett, OH
Butternut Barn Rabbitry
Breeds: New Zealand and New Zealand/Californian crosses
More details: I raise my rabbits for 4-H market pens etc., and for meat. I also sell breeding stock. My rabbits are raised in roomy outdoor hutches.
Email: Karolynn.wright @ gmail. com
Phone: (740) 945 - 6061
Kent, OH
Will's Rabbitry
Breeds: New Zealand Reds, Brokens.
More detail: Text or call for availability, pricing and other information.
Email: wkulis1 @ gmail . com
Phone/Text: (330) 931 - 7692
Lakeville, OH
Malena's Rusty Den Rabbitry
Breeds: Netherland Dwarf
Website: https://sheltiesden.com/
Email: malenajoy23 @ gmail. com
Medina, OH
Faithful Acres Farm
Breeds: Netherland Dwarf, New Zealand Reds.
More detail: Message me for pricing or pick up info! My rabbits are all handled by children and loved!
Email: Debbieraelpn @ gmail. com
Norton, OH
Rocking A Ranch
Breeds: Californian, California/New Zealand cross, Lionhead.
More detail: We raise rabbits for meat or pet purposes. Our meat rabbits are pasture-raised in colony style, meaning they have access to fresh grass (and/or hay depending on the season) and have a large enclosure to roam around in, dig in, and live as naturally as possible.
Email: therockingaranch @ gmail. com
Phone: (330) 730 - 6796
Website: Rocking A Ranch
Painsville OH
Perry's Rabbits
Breeds: Californian rabbits
Contact: stevepink79 @ gmail . com
Ravenna, OH
Bunnytails Rabbitry
Breeds: New Zealand White,
More detail: These are pure New Zealand White Rabbits and we have mothers and father on site.
Contact: bunnytailsravenna @ gmail. com
Seville, OH
Hobby Farm Ohio
Point of Contact: Becky
Phone: (330) 635 - 9784
Email: Hobbyfarmohio @ gmail. com
Website: https://www.hobbyfarmohio.com/
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Rex, Lop, Jersey Wooley
More Detail: Livestock and pets. Other products and services.
Shreve, OH
Leafy Nook Rabbitry
Point of Contact: Pearl or Diane
Email: leafynooknd @ gmail. com
Text: 330-275-6510
Youtube: https://youtu.be/Nsj5XM-3gq0
Website: Leafy Nook Rabbitry
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Netherland Dwarf, Holland Lop. Black Otter, Cream, Orange, Tri, and Broken of
every variety. 1 1/2 to 4 pounds
More Detail: Welcome to our small, backyard, happy and hopping little rabbitry. Our bunnies are gently handled, fed quality feed, unlimited fresh water, and treats on occasion. Our goal has been to gradually improve the colors of our herd for more variety in our small rabbitry, and we are aiming to get our rabbits as close to the breed's standard of perfection as possible. : These rabbits are loved, fun, friendly and
lovable. Would do good as pet or brood rabbits. We provide
transition feed, a care sheet, bunny language sheet, and pedigree. Any bunnies for sale will be listed on our website. All bunnies with pedigreed parents come with full pedigrees. The price range of our bunnies is generally $50 - $300. Visit our website often to find out what's hoppening around the rabbitry! The rabbitry is owned by Pearl Bauman, youth rabbit breeder, and was established in 2019.
UPDATE: We have lowered prices on our rabbits! Check out our website for more details.
7/22/2022 (Updated 7/15/2024)
St. Louisville, OH
Breeds: Mixed
More detail: Due to our very small herd, we only have a handful of babies available throughout the year, but our website is always here for those who are interested!
Contact: bykids.foryou @ gmail. com
Toledo, OH
Mac's Rabbitry
Breeds: New Zealand Whites and Californian.
More detail: We are a clean Rabbitry and our rabbits are clean and healthy. We have rabbits for sale every week of the year. If you need just one bunny, or many, we can help.
Contact: macent123 @ yahoo. com
Phone: (419) 266 - 1826
8/10/2021 (Updated 4/4/2022)
Wauseon, OH
Jackie's Rabbits
Breeds: Steel rabbits.
Email: jkbaggett430 @ gmail. com
Phone: (567) 454 - 7581
Weston, OH
Pride of Furries
Breeds: Angora, Lionhead (purebred, but no pedigree/papers) and mixes.
Email: kawaii.prbyuriel @ gmail. com
Phone: (315) 729 - 5523
Website: https://www.patreon.com/prideoffurries
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-- Are you curious about the different types of rabbits?
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Rabbit raisers are a very good bunch, most of the time. We've heard of no problems with any rabbitries we've listed, but just the same, we ask that the buyer beware.
We have not visited the rabbitries listed. Do your research, keep your eyes open, and get yourself healthy rabbits:
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