for Sale in Oklahoma (OK): Find the rabbits you want to
raise in your local Oklahoma neighborhood.
Ada, OK
Bunnies By Maddi
Point of Contact: Maddi
Phone: (580) 559 - 9585
Email: mdansby5 @ icloud. com
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Mini Lop / Rex
Beaver, OK
Debbie's Rabbits
Breeds: French Angora and giant Chinchilla/Lionhead.
Email: Debbiesrabbits @ icloud. com
Phone: (580) 527 - 1141
Bridge Creek, OK
Plush Prairie
Breeds: English Angora.
Email: plushprairieangora @ gmail. com
Website: https://plushprairie.com/
Crescent, OK
Tim's Rabbits
Breeds: New Zealand, Tamuk, Californian, Flemish Giant, and Havana.
Email: tim @ ironcrossfarms. com
Phone: (405) 831 - 9109
Guthrie, OK
Tiny Paws Charm
Breeds: Holland Lops
Website: Tiny Paws Charm
Howe, OK
B&J Rabbit Farm
Breeds: Small and bigger Lionhead rabbits.
More Detail: Several colors to choose from, all very healthy.
Email: bmorrison31 @ windstream. net
Phone: (918) 413 - 6048
5/24/2021 (Updated 1/3/2022)
Jasper, OK
Milo's Rabbits
Breeds: Lop Eared
Email: Hg7359 @ aol. com
Phone: (205) 275 - 7364
McCloud, OK
Kristdala Kritters (KK) Rabbitry
Breeds: English Angora, Jersey Wooly, Mini Lop, Holland Lops, Mini Rex rabbits
Phone/Text: (405) 535 - 6407
Website: Kristdala Kritters (KK) Rabbitry
Muskogee, OK
Peanut's Flemish Giants
Breeds: Flemish Giant.
More detail: We are a small family-owned rabbitry. We specialize in Flemish Giants. We raise all of our rabbits indoors. They have their own room and a fenced in yard outside to play in, when the weather is good. I make sure that each rabbit is handled from birth. Very friendly, almost completely litter trained. Very docile, laid back, love to be petted. They are lots of fun when they break out in their happy dance. Our rabbits are raised for indoor pets and for 4H projects. They are full blooded Flemish Giants, also known as Gentle Giants.
Email: abclark165 @ gmail. com
2/21/2022 (Updated 3/24/2023)
Noble, OK
Liberty Acres
Breeds: Mini Lop, Holland Lops.
More detail: We are a small family farm near Norman, OK, selling beautiful pre-spoiled Mini Lops and Holland Lops.
Email: libertyacresok @ gmail. com
Phone: (405) 818 - 0701
8/13/2021 (Updated)
Purcell, OK
Oklahoma Sunshine Rabbitry
Breeds: English Angora, French Lop
More detail: Oklahoma Sunshine Rabbitry is located in Purcell, in the heart of Oklahoma. We are ready to provide your next rabbit. We take great pride in producing healthy bunnies, with great temperament. English Angoras are a great breed if you want a cuddly teddy bear.
Email: oksunshinerabbitry @ gmail. com
Sapulpa, OK
Wind Walker Rabbitry
Breeds: Show quality Mini Rex and Netherland Dwarf rabbits.
Website: Wind Walker Rabbitry
-- Are you trying to decide which breed is best for you?
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-- Are you curious about the different types of rabbits?
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Rabbit raisers are a very good bunch, most of the time. We've heard of no problems with any rabbitries we've listed, but just the same, we ask that the buyer beware.
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