for Sale in WA:
Find the rabbits you want to raise in your
local Washington State neighborhood.
Aberdeen, WA
Silver Bliss Rabbitry
Point of Contact: Julia
Phone: (360) 346 - 6020
Email: violinjhaynes @ gmail. com
Website: https://silverblissrabbitrycom.odoo.com/
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Silver Fox and New Zealand muts.
More Detail: Hi! We are passionate about breeding top-quality rabbits (Silver Fox and New Zealand muts). We are dedicated to providing the best possible care for all the rabbits in our rabbitry. We started with 3 rabbits for 4H and have grown from there. If you want to learn more about our rabbitry, please visit our website. (We have had problems messaging people. So make sure your email/phone is correct) We appreciate your interest! 5/6/2024
Bellevue, WA
Hot Cross Buns English Angoras
Point of Contact: Suzanne
Email: rabbitryhotcrossbuns @ gmail. com
Website: https://hotcrossbunsrabbitry.wordpress.com/
Breed/Color/Age/Size: English Angoras
More Detail: Very small rabbitry providing sweet and adorable show quality English Angoras to the greater Seattle region. Soft silky wool! Personalities are puppy-like; curious and super friendly!
Featured Rabbitry! Cotton Candy Tails
Bothell, WA
Featured Rabbitry Page: Cotton Candie Tails
Point of Contact: Candie
Phone: (425) 563 - 5558
Email: cottoncandietails @ gmail. com
Facebook: Cotton Candie Tails
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cottoncandietails/
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Lionhead, Vienna Marked.
More Detail: Well loved and socialized bunnies. We love when they get adopted in same sex pairs and we also rescue!
Bremerton, WA
Anja's Rabbitry
Breeds: Satin Angora rabbits
Email: anja_rowan @ hotmail. com
Carnation, WA
Lake Joy Rabbitry
Breeds: New Zealand Ruby Eyed Whites, New Zealand Reds.
More detail: New Zealand rabbits for sale in WA state.
Email: nathan.roetcisoender @ gmail . com
Chehalis, WA
Mckayla's Rabbits
Breeds: Raising mostly pure New Zealand rabbits (Brokens, Blacks, some Red and some white), also some Silver Fox, and Standard Rex.
More Detail: We raise rabbits for meat and pets. Our breeding goals are for a healthy, productive, fast growing rabbit that weighs at least 4-5 lbs by 8 weeks old.
Email: mckaylam @ msn. com
Colville, WA
Daisy Hill Fiber Farm
Breeds: American Chinchillas, Champagne d'Argents, Satin Angoras, German Angoras, New Zealands.
More Detail: WSDA certified processor, frozen fryers available.
Website: http://www.daisydeva.webs.com/
Email: daisydeva.sue @ gmail. com
Everson, WA
Rusty Sun Rabbitry
Breeds: Holland Lops.
More detail: I am a member of ARBA.
Contact Person: Felicity
Email: rustysunrabbitry @ gmail. com
Text: (360) 224 - 0796, Text only
Gold Bar, WA
Babe Quat’s Buns
Breeds: Holland Lop and Netherland Dwarfs.
More detail: Member of ARBA.
Contact Person: Vanessa
Email: nessa.stephenson @ gmail. com
Facebook: Babe Quat's Buns
Goldendale, WA
Point of Contact: Brandie
Phone: (509) 439 - 1036
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Florida White, Market Fryers
La Center, WA
Jamie's Rabbits
Breeds: Purebred Silver Fox and Silver Fox/Holland Lop mix.
Email. jkbarney @ yahoo. com
Oak Harbor, WA
Jack Rabbit Slim’s
Point of Contact: Tom
Phone: (509) 834 - 9027
Email: Tomspotten@gmail.com
Breed/Color/Age/Size: California, New Zealand white, American Chinchilla
More Detail: Rabbits are raised to put on quick weight for backyard meat rabbits or to start one's own commercial breeding operation. No papered rabbits.
Olympia, WA
Bramble Berry Bunnies
Breeds: Netherland Dwarfs and Holland Lops.
More detail: Quality and healthy lives for each of our rabbits is what we strive for! We offer lots of support for new rabbit owners. Variety of colors available in both our Netherland Dwarf and Holland Lops that we raise.
Website: https://www.brambleberrybunnies.com/
Email: brambleberrybuns @ gmail. com
Text: (360) 273 - 9469
Port Townsend, WA
Joseph Walker
Breeds: Giant Chinchillas, Californians, New Zealands
Contact: sailorrtrd @ yahoo. com
Poulsbo, WA
Heartland Rabbitry
Breeds: Creme D'Argents, Champagne D'Argents, Cinnamons and Beverens
Email: IxlovexThirtySTMx @ yahoo. com
Phone: (360) 471 - 4418
Randle, WA
Country Valley Rabbitry
Breeds: Mini Plush Lop, Holland Lop, Lionhead.
More detail: Very sweet bunnies to pet or approved breeder homes.
Instagram: https://instagram.com/countryvalleyrabbitry?utm_medium=copy_link
Email: joseygirlhannah @ gmail. com
Text: (360) 669 - 3246
Seattle, WA
Emerald City Rabbitry
Breeds: Holland Lop.
More detail: We are a reputable, experienced and ethical breeder located near Seattle, Washington. We specialize in raising Holland Lops (the smallest lop-eared rabbit breed, even smaller than the mini lop). Our bunnies come in a unique array of colors, most are blue-eyed! We raise each of our bunnies in 24 square feet solid floor indoor cages. The rabbits start litter box training when they hop out of the nest. We dedicate hours every day towards socializing with our babies and getting them familiarized with other animals, young children, and household noises to ensure they can be the best pets possible. What makes our rabbitry unique are the stunning colorings you will find nowhere else and a long-standing relationship so we can help you along the way!
Website: https://www.emeraldcityrabbitry.com/
Email: emeraldcitylops @ gmail. com
Seattle, WA
Seattle Bunny Ranch
Point of Contact: Daviti
Phone: (206) 466 - 9344
Email: d.vardishvili2+r @ gmail. com
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Silver Fox, Californians
More Detail: I've been raising rabbits for over a decade now as a hobby. I currently focus on breeding Silver foxes to show quality carcass characteristics as well as quick growth rates. My rabbits have excellent growth rates, hitting an average of 3.5 lbs by 2 months.
Selah, WA
Knit Together Fuzz Farm
Breeds: English Angora, English/French Angora mix rabbits.
More detail: Angora rabbits for sale in WA state.
Contact: cwh.1720 @ gmail. com
Shelton, WA
Silverwolf Rabbitry
Point of Contact: Carrie
Website: https://www.silverwolfrabbitryfarm.com/
Email: silverwolfrabbitry @ gmail. com
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Silver (Black, Brown & Fawn) & Rex (Chinchilla)
More Detail: We are A.R.B.A. Registered Rabbitry Showing & Breeding. Our Breeds are Rex & Silvers we have been established since 2004 in the Puget Sound area of Washington State. We have over 25 years experience in Rabbit industry & husbandry & over 15 years in Showing in A.R.B.A Shows. It is our goal to breed and raise quality show stock. We are registering most of our breeding stock and will eventually breed only registered stock. We also show and work towards a Grand Champion certificate for most of the rabbits we raise. Our goal is to produce healthy, vigorous individuals that meet the A.R.B.A. Standard of Perfection for all Breeds of Rabbit that we raise. We hope to be able to Grand our show stock before retiring them for breeding. Eventually we hope to establish our lines by having Red, White and Blue registered animals. We want to produce show quality stock with a proven, quality pedigree.
Spanaway, WA
Peter's Rabbitry
Breeds: Purebred Champagne D'Argents and Californians, plus a few mixed breeds
Website: https://petersrabbits.weebly.com/index.html
Tulalip, WA
Soluna Ranch Continental Giants
Contact person: Karen
Email: solunaranch @ gmail . com
Breeds: Continental Giants
Facebook: SolunaRanchContinentalgiantrabbits
Vancouver, WA
Mad as a March Hare Rabbitry
Breeds: Rex, Satin Angora
More detail: Well-handled, calm rabbits. No pedigrees on Satin angoras available at this time. ARBA-registered.
Contact: sianna32 @ yahoo. com
7/6/2021 (Updated)
Woodinville, WA
Mountain View Hollands
Point of Contact: Jenna
Email: Jenna @ mountainviewhollands. com
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Holland Lops
More Detail: Pedigreed show, brood and pet quality.
Yakima, WA
Prater Family Farm Rabbitry
Point of Contact: Trisha
Phone: (509) 941 - 8819
Email: sweetlikeafila @ gmail. com
Breed/Color/Age/Size: Silver Fox
More Detail: We breed for fast growth rates, quality fur and silvering. We show and have many of our rabbits in 4H. We also breed for all colors. Black, blue, chocolate, lilac, and are working on Tort and Broken
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Rabbit raisers are a very good bunch, most of the time. We've heard of no problems with any rabbitries we've listed, but just the same, we ask that the buyer beware.
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