Rascal & Smudge, the story of the inbred

by Amy

I got my rabbits about a month ago.. I was told they were two boys aged around 4 months, I got them from Pets at Home in Scotland. I named them Rascal (the white one) and Smudge (black&white). They were great friends for a while then they began to get a little too friendly, humping each other. I organised to get them neutered and kept them separate until then though I still let them play together when I could watch them.

When I took them to get them neutered at 9 am they were both fine, after dropping them off I went to school and my mum went to work. Around an hour or two later my mum got a phone call from the vet telling us in fact that Smudge is a girl! The breeder, Pets at Home and another vet had all previously told us they were boys. We were confused but accepted Smudge was a girl. Now we worried, is smudge pregnant? She is only 5 and a half months but I read it is possible.

That day Rascal was neutered & Smudge just stayed in the vet until 4 pm when we went to pick them up. Rascal was fine though, lying down a bit, he was eating & drinking. After the vet explained all the after care she went to get my rabbits, Instead of my rabbits coming out, the specialist vet did...and he explained they were still trying to decide if smudge were a boy, girl or what he now told us an inbreed or she-male!! he said it is possible for Smudge to have both female & male organs.

We're going back in 3 weeks to see if they can tell what gender Smudge is. Rascal is fine & I guess we'll see how Smudge is soon.

Just thought I'd share my story as I've never heard of this before.

***** Karen Sez *****
Thanks for sharing. Yes, 'androgyny,' in this case having both sets of organs, is possible. It certainly occurs rarely in people, why not animals. We too have never heard of it in rabbits. We'll be very interested in an update from you when available, if you don't mind!

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Dec 16, 2016
He She bunny
by: Anonymous

I brought my bunny to the vet to be fixed and when I went to pick her up they had charged me double because it was a boy and girl. Double the work, double the price. Sadly Marshmellow did not do well after surgery and died. I have had several other bunnies fixed and they did well.

Jul 30, 2016
by: Anonymous

Wow, I'd be curious to see how this ends as well!

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