Something is wrong with my bunny!

by Mandy

Hello there people! My name is Mandy and my bunny's name is Elvis. He used to be really active. Jumping around every time I was near at his cage. I had to clean his cage a few days ago, and he didn't seem really happy.

Then I recognise that something was wrong 'cause when I opened his cage to take him out he was just sitting there doing nothing. He wasn't eating only when I put his food under his mouth and when he tried to move he was ready to fall down.

Today I left him out of his cage to see the way he runs etc. He wasn't running. He tried to stand up on his 2 back feet but he fell. What do I have to do?

***** Karen Sez *****

Ugh, sorry to hear it Mandy. Problems standing, or even sitting, are indicative of dizziness, which is a common symptom of an inner ear inflammation. It could also be a symptom of a parasitic brain inflammation.

It all sound frightening, and it might not end well, but sometimes rabbits surprise us by responding well to treatment. It really depends on the individual rabbit, what the exact diagnosis is, the areas in the body that are infected, and the overall strength of the animal's immune system.

What you really need is veterinary assistance.

Also check these web pages: - find the heading for Nosema (Encephalitozoon cuniculi)

I hope your rabbit gets better! :-)

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Mar 28, 2015
R.I.P Mr. Elvis
by: Mandy

Bad news. I found Elvis dead in his cage today morning. My brother told me he was alive a minutes later before I woke up. Hope he is happy up there!Thank you so much for your help.

R.I.P little angel.

***** Karen Sez *****
So sorry Mandy. Hugs and blessings on you.

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